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Politecnico di Torino’s path towards a Sustainable Campus is presided over by the Green Team, a HUB aimed at gathering the skills and awareness relating to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, applied to the university environment.

The Team’s objective is to foster the integration of sustainable development issues into university research, teaching, communication and all support activities, to prepare students and staff for the major challenges posed by the 2030 Agenda.    

Activities are organised in specific Working Groups (WGs), coordinated by University Coordinators, according to vertical lines of action, sided by horizontal engagement actions to support the University's “third mission” objectives. 

The Green Team is supported by the SAIL Department and in particular by the Sustainability Division that coordinates the operation of the different activities in collaboration with the Strategic Projects and Campus Services Monitoring Division.

There are five areas of interest for the Green Team (Energy and Climate Change, Sustainable Mobility, Resources, Education and Public Awareness, Inclusion and Equity), each of which is coordinated by one or more reference lecturers. In further detail:

Green Team 2023

The Green Team consists of more than 90 members, including professors, researchers and technical-administrative staff representing all University structures, areas and departments, as well as representatives of the student cohorts and the University Bodies.

Through thematic Working Groups (Energy and Climate Change, Sustainable Mobility, Resources, Education and Public Awareness, Inclusion and Equity), the members of the Green Team discuss and develop initiatives aimed at fostering the integration of sustainable development issues within university research, teaching, communication and campus service activities, in order to address the major Challenges posed by the United Nations 2030 Agenda.    

Periodically, the Green Team meets in plenary form to update itself on the activities of the Working Groups and cross-cutting initiatives, so that the representatives of the participating Areas and Departments can take what has been discussed back to their own domains.




DAD – Department of Architecture and DesignCorrado CarbonaroDepartmental district contact
 Carlo DeregibusMasterplan contact
 Roberto GiordanoDepartmental district contact
 Roberta IngaramoContact for Natural Based Solution
DAUIN - Department of Control and Computer EngineeringMaddalena MorandoDepartmental district contact
 Alessandro SavinoDepartmental district contact
DENERG – Energy DepartmentArianna AstolfiDepartmental district contact
 Alfonso CapozzoliData Manager focused on energy and water within the Green Team
 Mariapia MartinoDepartmental district contact
 Alberto PoggioEnergy Manager, Coordinator of the Energy and Climate Change scope of the Green Team, PoliTO representative in the Energy WG of RUS
DET - Department of Electronics and TelecommunicationFederica CappellutiOpen Science contact
 Samuele D'OnofrioDepartmental district contact
 Eros PaseroDepartmental district contact
 Alessandro RizzoDepartmental district contact
DIATI - Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure EngineeringMarina ClericoUnicef course contact
 Bruno Dalla ChiaraMobility Manager, Coordinator of the Sustainable mobility scope of the Green Team, National coordinator of the Mobility WG of RUS
 Silvia FioreDepartmental district contact
 Elisa VaninDepartmental district contact
 Jost Graf Von HardenbergCoordinator of the Energy and Climate Change scope of the Green Team, PoliTO representative in the Climate Change WG of RUS
DIGEP - Department of Management and Production EngineeringPaolo LandoniDepartmental district contact
 Stefania PiazzaDepartmental district contact
 Luca SettineriPoliTO representative in the Universities for Industry WG of RUS
DIMEAS - Department Mechanical and Aerospace EngineeringWalter FrancoDepartmental district contact
 Giuliana MattiazzoPoliTO representative in the Universities for Industry WG of RUS
 Giuseppe QuagliaCoordinator of the Inclusion and Equity scope of the Green Team, PoliTO representative in the Inclusion and Social Justice WG of RUS
 Raffaella SesanaPoliTO representative fot the PIUAEI Network
 Maurizio VallanaDepartmental district contact
DISAT - Department of Applied Science and TechnologyDebora FinoCoordinator of the Risorse nel Green Team, PoliTO representative WG of RUS Food e WG of RUS Resources and Waste
 Lucia PappaniDepartmental district contact
 Tonia TommasiDepartmental district contact
DISEG - Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building EngineeringSilvio D’ElicioDepartmental district contact
 Stefano InvernizziDepartmental district contact
 Erica LenticchiaDepartmental district contact
 Caterina MeleComponente del CdA
 Anna OselloComponente del CdA
DISMA – Department of Mathematical Sciences "G. L. Lagrange"Roberto FontanaDepartmental district contact
 Vito MelchiondaDepartmental district contact
DIST – Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and PlanningStefano BechisDepartmental district contact
 Patrizia LombardiCoordinator of the Green Team, Coordinator of the Education and Public Awareness scope of the Green Team, RUS President
 Tatiana MazaliPoliTO representative in the Education WG of RUS
 Riccardo PolloDepartmental district contact
Administrative Areas  
AGACON – Procurement, Tenders and Public ContractsFederica PattiDepartment contact
AMM – Central AdministrationElisa PasquiniDepartment contact
 David TrangoniDepartment contact
ARIA – Institutional Relations, General Affairs and ArchivesMarco D'addarioDepartment contact
 Giorgia NutiniDepartment contact
 Chiara GuascoDepartment contact
AVVO – University AttorneysYassine RamliDepartment contact
ISIAD – IT Services and Digital AdministrationBruno GianaDepartment contact
 Francesco PuccioDepartment contact
 Elisa ZanoneDepartment contact
NUMED – Multimedia Design&ProductionRiccardo GelattiHub contact
PEPS – HR. Research and DevelopmentNathalie VacchianoDepartment contact
PIFIC – Financial Planning and BudgetingFederica TruccoDepartment contact
PROGES – Building Heritage, Design and Construction and Workplace SafetyMarcella AlbieriPoliTO representative in the Food WG of RUS
 Gregorio CangialosiDepartment contact
 Carlo Dal CasonDepartment contact
 Marcello CoattoDepartment contact
 Nicola CassanelliPoliTO representative in the Resources and Waste WG of RUS
 Emanuele LoglisciDepartment contact
 Davide NegroDepartment contact
 Marco PiccioneDepartment contact
 Francesca RoveriDepartment contact
PROSIQ – Programmazione Strategica, Internazionalizzazione e QualitàGianni CarioniDepartment contact
 Silvia CarossoDepartment contact
 Miriam NegriDepartment contact
RIMIN – Research, Technology Transfer and InnovationValeria CatanzaroDepartment contact
 Marco DoriDepartment contact
 Sara RollinoDepartment contact
 Cesare TamburiDepartment contact
SAIL - Campus Sustainability, Research Infrastructures and LaboratoriesMara BaccollaDepartment contact
 Paola BigliaCoordinator of the RUS organizational office
 Enrico BorgoPoliTO representative Mobility WG of RUS
 Giovanni CiceriDepartment contact
 Valentina ColaleoPoliTO representative Mobility WG e Climate WG of RUS
 Chiara GentaPoliTO representative Food WG, Resources and Waste WG, Education WG, and Student Community WT of RUS
 Giuseppina PuglisiPoliTO representative Energy WG of RUS
 Mario RaveraDepartment contact
 Barbara SpataroPoliTO representative in the Climate Change WG of RUS
 Claudio TurcottiPoliTO representative in the Energy WG of RUS
STUDI – Students, Education and International AffairsCinzia NinettoPoliTO representative in Inclusion and Social Justice WG of RUS
 Fernanda Torre Department contact
Student Teams  
Mi LEGO al territorioSerena FalconeTeam contact
Team EcopoliValerio GiuntaTeam contact
Team WeeeopenLucio DruettoTeam contact
 Roberto MezzalamaCdA member
 Franca SantellaCdA member – Students representative
 Matteo TraneEducation e Public Awareness scope support
 Marco PiscitelliData Manager support
 Roberto ChiosaData Manager support

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