Politecnico di Torino defines technology transfer activities as the process of connecting research to the market and, therefore, generating innovation. Consequently, Politecnico's mission is to transform knowledge generated by public research into technologies (understood as "capabilities and know-how") capable of benefiting society and the economy.
One of the goals of Politecnico is to promote the protection and valorization of research results conducted inside university facilities. This is done by promoting activities that lead to invention commercialization. By collaborating closely with the inventors, the University protects inventions created during research activities (either academic or in collaboration with businesses) with various forms of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).
As part of its support for inventors, the University encourages the protection of research results and the valorization of the knowledge developed. Additionally, the University provides a variety of support tools for the development and commercialization of technologies. These tools include Proof of Concept programs, support for the establishment and growth of Research Spin-Offs, and Matchmaking initiatives to facilitate the encounter of supply and demand for innovation.
Experts in Technology Transfer, who are knowledgeable in technical-scientific, economic-managerial, and legal subjects, collaborate with academic faculty members, external co-inventors and students, supporting inventors during all stages of technology transfer, from knowledge development to final commercialization.
For more information, please write to
Research Valorization Office: brevetti.spinoff@polito.it
Research Protection Office: RIMIN.protezione.ipr@polito.it