Principles and policies

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As guarantees of the quality of its research Politecnico di Torino embraces the respect of fundamental, internationally recognized principles and the adoption of institutional policies.

The "Regulations for Integrity in Research"  represents the programmatic manifesto through which Politecnico promotes and protects, at all stages of research, the behaviors and values established as priorities to ensure the highest ethical and professional conduct owed by a public institution.

The Research Ethics Committee encourages and stimulates ethical reflection in scientific research and provides evaluation, review and advice on ethical aspects of research.

As the first university in Italy, the Politecnico di Torino has endowed itself with the figure of the the Researcher Ombudsman, in full autonomy and independence, of intervening informally to deal with complaints/appeals of researchers, including those concerning conflicts between early-stage researchers and their supervisors.

To meet the challenges of the future, the Politecnico di Torino promotes the principles of Open Science, for knowledge sharing and reuse of research data.

Since 2013, the Politecnico di Torino has been pursuing an increasingly punctual and widespread adherence to the principles of the European Charter for Researchers, and in 2021 it was recognized by the European Commission as a European-level "good practice" for the quality of its research environment and for the measures put in place to support the activities and careers of its researchers, reconfirming the HR Excellence in Research to the University.