
Support our idea of future

mondo tra le mani

Donating to Politecnico means supporting a great international technological university, where knowledge is created and shared.

Our idea of the future today is oriented towards the great, digital and sustainable transitions to which a renowned University such as ours can contribute with research, innovation and the training of new generations of engineers, architects, land planners and designers.

But we are all called upon to be an active part of this change: whatever your connection with the Politecnico, your contribution will be the next step on this journey.

Join us

As Alumni, citizens, companies, foundations, institutions, together we have more strength to increase our social, cultural, environmental and economic impact and create a sustainable and inclusive society.

Find out how to donate and what tax benefits are guaranteed. 

Support us with your “5 per mille”

5 per mille campagna

Multiplying energies for research

The “5 per mille” (5 per thousand: 0.5% of your total personal income tax) to Politecnico finances research projects for development and social cohesion, with a view to education for the student community and service for the local area and citizenship.

Make a charitable bequest

Ragazza con modellino di aeroplano

A unique choice to remain true to one’s ideals

It is possible to support Politecnico di Torino today, with a donation that will achieve the improvement goals set out in our strategic plan. But it is also possible to do much more, when thinking about the future.

With a testamentary charitable bequest or a legacy, it is possible to devolve all or part of one’s movable or immovable property to the University, without prejudice, however, to the share allocated by law to the legitimate heirs.

Testamentary dispositions in favour of institutions such as Politecnico di Torino represent a gesture of solidarity and civic commitment. They give shape to the desire to leave a tangible and lasting mark on the community and future generations.

It is an act of generosity that one can make at any point in one's life, and it is always revocable or modifiable.

You can request information or make an appointment to discuss or seek further insights by writing to: