Quality of education

After the phase of Internal quality assurance  – AiQ, described in detail on this pagefor Level I e II the quality of education is monitored with the periodic compilation of QA documents prepared by the ANVUR, namely the Annual monitoring form and the Annual and cyclical review reports, SUA-CdS.

In addition to the main actors, Quality of education also refers to the contributions of:

  • Colleges of Study Courses (especially for the role of College Coordinators and Course Coordinators)
  • Preliminary Commission for the Coordination of Educational and Training Activities

For level III (PhD), the quality of education is guaranteed first and foremost by the work of the Doctoral Advisory Board, which oversees the implementation of the accreditation requirements – required for the establishment and activation of PhD courses – and the fulfilment of the relevant reference criteria established for its evaluation process.

The Quality of education also refers to the continuous control and monitoring by the Joint committee on Teaching – CPD, and the Evaluation board – NdV.