The Statute of the Politecnico di Torino, in force since 26 July 2019, describes the composition and mandate of the Evaluation board in Article 14:
- 1. The Evaluation board is the body that performs evaluation functions in the areas of research, teaching, right to education and administrative management.
- 2. The Evaluation board consists of five members including one representative elected by the student community. The non-elected members are chosen from individuals with high professional qualifications in the fields of university education, research and evaluation. At least three members come from outside the University. At least two members must be experts in the field of evaluation, also from non-academic fields.
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- 5. The Evaluation board proposes to the Academic Senate, which approves them, the criteria that the University adopts, in its various forms, in order to ensure the oversight of the quality and continuous improvement of teaching and research.
- 6. The Evaluation board monitors the effectiveness of the University's quality oversight, institutional strategies and the way these are implemented, monitored and reviewed, by the Departments and other organisational units.
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- 8. The Evaluation board, in order to fulfil its mission, has free access to all data concerning teaching, research, facilities and personnel and ensures the public availability of the deliberations and the dissemination of the approved documents within the limits of the legislation protecting the confidentiality of personal data.