The corporate brand consists of PoliTO visual identity: it mainly refers to formal aspects, also depicting the contents and credibility of visual communication globally coordinated.
In more than 160 years, Politecnico's image reflected historical changes by redesigning and redefining itself around the institutional logotype, brand, colors and fonts. Dynamic and contemporary elements have been incorporated while preserving the persistent formal and institutional values.
The brand was therefore updated in 2021 after a complex revision of PoliTO visual identity positioning. Its correct and coherent application responds to the need for identity definition, being a key corporate image element.
The logo consists of the "Politecnico di Torino" trademark and logotype, which are Politecnico's exclusive property. Any use of the logo must always be authorized by the University in accordance with the rules of use set forth in the Visual Identity Manual.
All requests by third parties regarding the use of PoliTO logo are to be approved by the Rector and should be done by filling in the online form.
Requesting the use of the logo is not the same as requesting patronage. Patronage always implies the permission to use the logo in line with the patronage norms.
The brand/logotype can be used by Politecnico di Torino, its administrative, teaching, and research structures, in the framework of their communication activities and wherever it is necessary to identify PoliTO as the author of the source of the publications, be they institutional or scientific.
The use of the brand/logotype for editorial purposes is reserved for Politecnico di Torino. Any other use of the production of editorial material must be authorized beforehand.
La Policy di Ateneo per lo sviluppo e la gestione del merchandising istituzionale fornisce indicazioni di approccio e metodo per la realizzazione e/o adozione dei nuovi prodotti di merchandising finalizzati alla diffusione durante le diverse occasioni di vendita e/o distribuzione. Attraverso l’esposizione di linee guida e buone pratiche, la Policy ha il principale obiettivo di garantire, per il sistema di merchandising del Politecnico di Torino, coerenza e continuità con i valori e la mission dell’Ateneo.