Politecnico di Torino offers a wide range of job opportunities to work with PoliTO offices and departments.
The first guiding principle of the Statute of Politecnico di Torino states the following: "Politecnico, as a community, works in mutual agreement with students and personnel. It considers the respect for fundamental human rights and freedom of thought, research and teaching to be of primary importance".
People and their future are Politecnico's greatest asset. Pursuing a shared wellbeing means taking care of all the people involved.
Politecnico implements this vision in its daily action and offers its staff members - regardless of their role and category - specific services and policies in all fields related to well-being: welfare services, equal opportunities, inclusion policies, organisational well-being, protection and assistance of people with Special Needs.
A university model that has its academic community at heart implies an important choice that leads to adopt specific founding values and management criteria. They include the central importance of each person in the community, subsidiarity between different parts of the University, academic freedom, streamlined internal processes and the idea of taking on an official role as a “first among equals” (primus inter pares) at the service of the community.
Politecnico di Torino guarantees open, transparent, rigorous, simple recruitment procedures based on meritocratic criteria and equal opportunities, to increase the quality of human resources. Politecnico also implements joint policies that invest on human capital, enhance professional skills and improve career opportunities.
In line with the Sustainable Developmement Goals of the United Nations, with the European Charter for Researchers and with its Polito4Impact Strategic Plan, Politecnico di Torino strongly encourages the participation of minorities (European Parliament Resolution of 13 November 2018 on minimum standards for minorities in the EU (2018/2036 (INI))).
With an eye to this goal, Politecnico di Torino provides an engaging and positive work environment, where each person can express his/her talent and get fair recognition for his/her work. This vision is based on the "Code of ethics of the university community" - adopted jointly with the University of Turin and the University of Eastern Piedmont - and the “Recommendation of the European Commission concerning the European Charter for Researchers and a Code of conduct for the recruitment of researchers”.
In November 2013, the European Commission awarded Politecnico di Torino with the HR Excellence in Research Award for its commitment to the implementation of the principles of the European Charter for Researchers.