In 2023 Politecnico di Torino celebrated the 10-year anniversary of the HR Excellence in Research Award by the European Commission with a series of initiatives aimed at supporting the career development of researchers, in line with the principles and values of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
- Launch of the Coaching service for assistant professors hired on a fixed-term contract
- On-boarding meetings for research fellows and assistant professors
- Meetings at departments to support participation in individual research funding
- Training of transversal skills for research staff
- Extension of job placement and career guidance initiatives to doctoral candidates
- Survey on the implementation of the principles of the European Charter for Researchers administered to all research staff of Politecnico di Torino
On 9 November 2023 Politecnico di Torino held the national event 'Enhancing research careers. Strategies and tools inspired by the European Charter for Researchers' where representatives from the European Commission, the Ministry of University and Research,Confindustria and several Italian universities discussed policies and initiatives for attractive and sustainable research careers within and beyond university and the benefits of implementing the European Charter for Researchers.
The day's proceedings, and particularly what emerged during the afternoon session, contributed to the drafting of a document addressed to the Ministry of University and Research illustrating benefits, obstacles and good practices faced by the 15 Italian universities awarded with the HR Excellence in Research Award in implementing a Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R).
"10 anni di HR Excellence in Research Award al Politecnico di Torino” - Claudia De Giorgi
“Il futuro della Carta Europea dei Ricercatori e della HRS4R”- Michele Rosa-Clot