Training for research staff


Researchers are a key resource for research and innovation, and contribute in the broadest and most comprehensive sense to the growth of society.

Training the university research staff is essential to promote the quality of research, the updating of skills and the adaptation to ever changing challenges. On the one hand, transversal training contributes to keeping abreast with the latest academic and technological trends, fostering academic excellence, and on the other hand, it promotes the professional growth of the research staff.

Politecnico di Torino – also inspired by The European Competence Framework for Researchers, a framework of transversal skills required of researchers for a successful career in all sectors of society, drawn up by the European Commission – offers a catalogue of training courses for researchers in order to direct boost their professional growth with the skills required by the labour market.

Catalogue of training events for research staff

Training events on research funding programs and project writing and management, courses to enhance transferable skills useful to researchers in and beyond academia

Nature masterclasses

The Nature Masterclasses is a professional development training platform for researchers to build their skills, confidence and careers.

Teaching Lab

The place at Politecnico di Torino where you can study, experiment and promote the use of a variety of tools, spaces and teaching methods, both new and established. 

Soft skill training offered by the Doctoral School

A catalogue of courses to provide transferable skills that prepare researchers to meet the needs of the labour market.

Language Centre – CLA

The CLA offers tutorials, courses, exam preparation and an array of language and academic career services.

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