Soft Skills courses

Courses on soft skills help doctoral candidates to develop their personal, professional and managerial skills.

Soft skills that prepare doctoral candidates to meet the needs of the labour market include:

  1. flexibility and adaptability in the workplace; ability to address work challenges;
  2. having the tools to manage change, develop innovation, work ethically with entrepreneurial spirit;
  3. developing problem solving skills in unstructured situations, critical reasoning and creative thinking;
  4. interacting with others, working in teams, working in open, multicultural and flexible environments, negotiating, managing conflicts in organizational contexts;
  5. developing leadership skills, decision making and emotional intelligence;
  6. mastering the tools for communication, dissemination and public speaking;
  7. knowing how to make use of resources, optimizing time, managing projects;
  8. managing career development and seizing professional opportunities.

To this end, the Doctoral School has organized its catalogue of soft skills courses in four pathways for skills development in relation to the different job sectors.These four pathways serve as a “bridge” between scientific education and professional training. By doing so, they can knowingly meet the requirement of taking at least 40 hours of soft skills courses over the three-year period of their PhD programme.

E-learning / MOC = E-learning / MOC
Room / Laboratory = Room / Laboratory

Specific competences

Research ethics, Integrity and Impact

Research Quality

Research Dissemination

Research Financing

General competences



Personal competences

Individual Skills

Career Development