Ph.D. candidates can spend some semesters abroad for training or internship purposes, visiting other universities, research institutes, centres and laboratories, in Italy and abroad, for a maximum period of 12 months during the three-year duration of the Ph.D. programme. This limit is not applicable to agreements with foreign universities and public institutions developing specific and qualified research activities and to PhD students until 37th cycle.
Ph.D. candidates who have a scholarship have the right to receive a 50% increase in the scholarship for the period spent abroad. Ask for the authorization through your dashboard before leaving.
Each Department has a budget available for Ph.D. candidates, with or without scholarship, for their mobility, in Italy and abroad, and/or for their participation to conferences and research seminars. The web page "Missioni on line", available at MyPoli - "Servizi Individuali" section, allows to upload requests for authorization and for reimbursement.
During their institutional activity, Ph.D. candidates are covered by an insurance policy (Accident) which is valid all over the world, but it is not a health insurance (it is not valid in case of illness, but only in cases of accidents contractually agreed). The requirement for insurance coverage is the authorization before departure. Furthermore Politecnico di Torino has drawn up a policy called Mission with the Company UniSalute, in order to ensure health care coverage to Ph.D. candidates travelling to non-EU countries.