Suspending and withdrawing from a Ph.D. programme


Doctoral studies cannot be suspended and then resumed, except for rare cases, such as:

  • maternity and paternity leave
  • serious and prolonged health problems
  • internship
  • serious personal or family reasons, duly documented, subject to the express authorization of the Academic Board that will also verify if the suspension is compatible with the Ph.D. candidate's research project

During the period of suspension, Ph.D. candidates cannot pursue any academic progress and - if they are beneficiaries of a scholarship - they will not be entitled to receive it. All deadlines will be postponed until the end of the suspension period.



Ph.D. candidates can withdraw from their programme at any time as long as they previously inform the programme Coordinator and the Doctoral School. Before withdrawing from the programme, Ph.D. candidates are required to pay their outstanding debts to Politecnico. Ph.D. candidates who withdraw lose the right to receive any kind of tuition fee reimbursement, even if the withdrawal takes place before the end of the academic year. For reasons related to the disbursment of the scholarship, Ph.D. candidates are allowed to withdraw exclusively between the 15th and the 30th of each month. The withdrawal will be valid from the 1st day of the following month. To withdraw from a Ph.D. programme, candidates must log into their personal page of the teaching portal and follow the guided procedure.

Ph.D. candidates who have a scholarship within the framework of the 37th doctoral cycle (DM no.1061/2021) and withdraw from their programme must return the amount of the scholarship received during the academic year in which they have withdrawn.