
The Strategic Plan "PoliTOinTransition"

Piano Strategico di Ateneo


‘An authoritative University with a consolidated international reputation for excellence in education and research, an engine of development for the region’.

These are the trajectories that the University is setting for the coming years with the new ‘PoliTOinTransition’ Strategic Plan 2024-2030.

The Plan is drawn up on the basis of the three major transitions affecting our society - digital, ecological and socio-cultural - and in which the Politecnico intends to play a leading role. These are the transitions that permeate all the activities of a university that will focus on three major objectives in the coming years:
- to position itself firmly among the best European and international technological universities
- strengthen its role as an engine of competitiveness in the territorial ecosystem;
- to become attractive, recognisable and recognised by enhancing its uniqueness.

Towards the 2024-2030 Strategic Plan

With the start of the new rector's term of office 2024-2030, a strategic planning phase for the university began, leading to the definition of the Strategic Plan. The process started from the electoral programme of Rector Corgnati, but developed in the first months of the mandate to involve the entire polytechnic community. Between June and September 2024, seven thematic workshops, under the direction of the Vice-Rectors and the Director General, coordinated by the Vice-Rectors for the Strategic Plan, Filippo Molinari, involved all the components of the academic community. Subsequently, during a participatory discussion with the Politecnico's stakeholders, to which exponents from the world of business and industry, associations, institutions, communication and the territorial social sphere were invited, reflections on the perception of the University were initiated and actions were proposed to renew the link with the territorial ecosystem.