In November 2013, the European Commission awarded Politecnico di Torino with the 'HR Excellence in Research Award' on the basis of an Action Plan aimed at giving concrete implementation to the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The Award acknowledges the quality of the University's research environment and the initiatives put in place to support the work and careers of male and female researchers.
Find out about initiatives to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the Award in the dedicated section of the website.
In April 2021, Politecnico di Torino received a site visit from three European Commission’s experts who reconfirmed the HR Excellence in Research Award by expressing a very positive assessment: “The whole approach of PoliTO towards HRS4R is admirable. Any issues which have been praised during this assessment are actually models of good practice”.
The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers - HRS4R is embedded in the POLITO4IMPACT Strategic Plan (2018-2024) and the representatives of the various components of the University community are involved in its design and implementation.
In compliance with the HRS4R requirements, Politecnico di Torino carried out the self-assessment of its recruitment procedures against the Open Transparent Merit-based Recruitment-OTM-R checklist and published information of the OTM-R policy and recruitment and selection procedures in the Work with us section of the website.
In order to understand the perception of the implementation of the principles of the European Charter of the whole scientific community of Politecnico in 2018 a survey was delivered to all persons professionally engaged in research at any career stage, regardless of their role: doctoral candidate, research fellow, researcher and professor.
Analysis of answers to the 2018 questionnaire
In Autumn 2023 the survey was delievered again to all researchers of Politecnico di Torino; results are being processed by the Focus Group of Researchers and the analysis of answers will be available by the end of February 2024.
First results of the 2023 questionnaire.
The 15 Italian universities awarded with the HR Excellence in Research Award drafted a report addressed to the Ministry of University and Research and to the European Commission illustrating benefits and best practices of participating in the HRS4R initiative, as well as the obstacles encountered during its implementation.