Erasmus+ Teaching Staff Mobility

The Erasmus+ Teaching Staff mobility programme gives professors the chance to spend a teaching period of minimum 2 days and maximum 2 months (excluding travelling time) in an institution in a Erasmus+ programme country.  During your stay abroad, you must do minimum 8 hours per week of teaching time.

If you would like to do your training experience at Politecnico di Torino, you will have to follow these steps:

  1. Verify that an Erasmus+ agreement between your Home University and Politecnico di Torino exists (it is compulsory).
  2. Find autonomously a PoliTo department that will be available to host you during an agreed period.
  3. Send the Mobility Agreement for Teaching signed by you, your higher education institution and the PoliTo department that will host you to the International Mobility Office (

At the end of your experience and upon request, a Certificate of Attendance will be released you by the International Mobility Office.