The Special Needs unit, which strongly cooperates with the other university offices, is the contact point for all people who, in their different roles, are part of the Politecnico community – student and staff population- and who live in a difficult situation due to problems of temporary or permanent disabilities. The goal is to improve working conditions or make a personal contribution to overcome physical, perceptual, communicative, virtual, cultural barriers.
Among the already carried out projects for Polito staff, there are:
- a dialogue space, which is "platform" created to encourage communication between workers interested in disability and / or with disabilities,
- personal delivery of meals in office for health reasons, reserved for staff who cannot go independently to the canteen,
- the possibility to rest in a dedicated rest room, located in the office of the Special Needs Unit, in order to conciliate working time and breaks for staff who need it due to specific health conditions (in agreement with and on the recommendation of the head of the institution where the employee is working).
The Academic advisor for the integration of people with disabilities and SpLD is Prof. Daniela Bosia who is in charge of coordinating, monitoring and supporting all the initiatives necessary for the integration of disabled students and/or with special needs, within our University.
Services specifically designed for the students are available in the education section.
As Politecnico since 2022, we have decided to join the International Day of Persons with Disabilities by proposing a series of events. Our commitment is to continue on this path!
3 DECEMBER - International Disability Day
The International Day of People with Disabilities - established in 1992 by Resolution No. 47/3 of the United Nations General Assembly - recognises and promotes the rights and welfare of persons with physical and mental disabilities and aims to raise awareness of the issues of disability, integration and the development of action plans to protect persons with disabilities, promoting their social integration and implementing the principle of equality and equity.
The European Union also established the European Day of People with Disabilities in July 1993, which is now celebrated on 3 December for the promotion, knowledge and development of a more equitable, accessible and just society for people with disabilities.
The Agenda ONU 2030 commits to ensure the empowerment of individuals at risk of vulnerability, with a focus on Inclusion, with the commitment to "leave no one behind", but also with the understanding to "reach out to those furthest behind first".
The United Nations currently estimates that there are about 650 million people with disabilities in the world, 3.1 million of whom live in Italy (corresponding to 5.2% of the Italian population).
From 23 to 30 November, the Politecnico dedicated Fill in the GAPS week to the themes of inclusion, diversity and gender equality. Within the week, the International Day of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was celebrated, with two dedicated events, a debate and a workshop.
Disabilità, ricerca e intersezionalità the name of the event, open to the entire community and beyond.
In the morning, the debate between Dajana Gioffrè (Chief Visionary Officer Accessiway) and Francesca Martinengo (freelance journalist, press officer and founder of #tuttegiùperterra), moderated by Professor Daniela Bosia.
In the afternoon, the workshop La ricerca sulla disabilità al Politecnico di Torino, introduced by Alice Scavarda and Paola Maria Torrioni (Department of Culture, Politics and Society, University of Turin): presentation of research groups and active projects.
The Politecnico took part to the Disability Agenda, to which it contributed by participating in the thematic work tables. Founded in 2001 by the CRT Foundation and the Council for People in Difficulty, the Agenda saw the active collaboration of different components of the realities of the Piedmont and Aosta Valley: experts, testimonials and parts of civil society, professional organizations, academic, banking foundations, third sector.
The Special Needs Unit is at the service of Professors to facilitate the management of compensatory measures for the students with SpLD and disabilities.
- The slides “Special Needs Unit between Professors and students” provide some information on the services offered to Professors and the related law.
- The slides “Vademecum reporting procedure” the complete list of compensatory measures and screenshots of the new procedure for reporting compensatory measures.
- The slides "Guidelines for dyslexia - friendly texts" some suggestions for the creation of accessible material to the SpLD students.
The goal of the Special Needs Unit is to build a POLItecNiCa- POLI Inclusive culture and the valorisation of diversity: the creation of a cultural climate where inclusion is a founding value of a multifaceted and lively community, open to change and a promoter of real innovation, is fundamental.
The video contributions are tools chosen ad hoc to facilitate the opening towards new horizons of our community.
Good vision!
In this platform, the world of disability comes out of invisibility to be the reference for information, projects, good practices, news: it is a meeting point where disability tells its story, where co-participation overcomes the concept of inclusion.
Collaborate with Us!
To send your contributions write an email to specialneeds@polito.it
In this section you can find the surveys regarding the services offered by the Special Needs Unit, related to the students with SpLD and disabilities, referring to the academic year 2019/20:
User satisfaction survey regarding the services of the Special needs Unit, Students with SpLD