Disabilities and Specific Learning Disorders (SpLD)

Logo Special Needs

Politecnico di Torino offers various services to support and accompany students with disabilities and students with Specific Learning Disorders (SpLD) along their learning path.

Discover services and useful content for:




Who we are

The Disability Support Service has been working since academic year 2000/2001 to help students with disabilities. We design specific projects that combine the special needs of each student with the right support. 

The Support Service for students with Specific Learning Disorders (SpLD) has been launched in 2010. 


Contacts at Politecnico

The Rector's Advisor to the Rector for Social Assistance, Social Integration and the Rights of Persons with Disabilities:  Prof. Daniela Bosia   

Professional People & Diversity Management: Mrs. Cinzia Ninetto  

Special Needs Unit: it coordinates and runs the university activities in support of students with disabilities and students with Specific Learning Disorders (SpLD). You can contact the Special Needs Unit through the ticketing system:

Login for PoliTo students and graduates 

(who have a username and password)

Login for users registered to the Apply@polito platform 

(who have a username and password)

Host users  

(FAQ and ticketing – registration not required)

Student Tutors work with the Special Needs Unit and provide support to students with disabilities and/or SpLD (individual study guidance, help during courses and activities, administrative support).  

Do you want to become a Student Tutor? Click here.


Our partners

E.Di.S.U. Piemonte 

If you are a student with a disability rate > 66% and you receive a scholarship from the Regional Authority for the Right to Education (EDISU Piemonte), you can get a scholarship extra amount and other financial aid depending on your specific needs and type of disability. Check the EDISU Call for application published every year for information on how to apply for these benefits.   

Call Centre: (Monday – Friday from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.) 


CUS Torino 

The University Sports Centre (CUS - Centro Universitario Sportivo) and Politecnico di Torino offer you the opportunity to practice sports at the CUS facilities (via Braccini, via Panetti or other venues). You can get your membership card and enjoy our services free of charge (professional trainers, equipment, accessible facilities and transportation)   

CUS Torino, Disability Project Information: Mrs. Laura MORIONDO 

 Phone: 348.880.80.66 

 E-mail: progettodisabili@custorino.it


Legislation and useful links


Law no. 104 of 5 February 1992:  Framework law for care, social integration and the rights of people with disabilities    

Law no. 17 of 28 January 1999: Amendments to Law no. 104 of 5 February 1992 on care, social integration and the the rights of people with disabilities

Prime Minister decree of 9 April 2001: Norms for equal opportunities with regard to the right to university education, in compliance with art. 4 of Law no. 390 of 2 December 1991 (in particular, see art. 14 – provisions for students with disabilities)     

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Legislative decree no. 68 of 29 March 2012: Revision of legislation on the right to education and the promotion of  university residences (dorms) recognised by the law     

CNUDD Guidelines (Conferenza Nazionale Universitaria Delegati per la Disabilità / University National Conference of Advisors for Disability)     

Check the HandyLex web site to consult the database of national norms and standards, news, Official Journal and other studies on handicap and disability.


Law no. 170 of 8 October 2010: New norms on Specific Learning Disorders in schools.     

 Ministerial decree no. 5669 of 12 July 2011

Guidelines for the Right to Education of students with Specific Learning Disorders (SpLD) annex to Ministerial decree of 12 July 2011

CNUDD Guidelines (Conferenza Nazionale Universitaria Delegati per la Disabilità / University National Conference of Advisors for Disability)