Multidisciplinarity, initiation into the world of research from the early years of university studies, entrepreneurial orientation. The aim? To provide all students, as soon as they enter the Politecnico, with the tools to be able to contribute to society’s challenges right from the start.
Theory and solid scientific foundations, although still fundamental for a serious and recognised university course such as the one proposed by the Politecnico di Torino, are not enough in today’s world to train citizens in all the professional skills needed to make an effective contribution to the development of society as soon as they enter the world of work. For this reason, the Politecnico has made a large number of participatory teaching programmes available to its students, with different areas and characteristics, so that everyone can find the training experience that best suits their needs and expectations.
Opportunities for group discussions and for bringing together people from different cultural backgrounds, accessible to students from all courses and at all levels of education. These courses offer a wide variety of experiences, which are part of the study curriculum (they therefore provide for the awarding of training credits) designed to enable each student to develop their aspirations and talents through the development of projects of various kinds (from conception to implementation).
These are initiatives that accompany and complement traditional classroom training, which everyone can enrol in amongst the ones best suit their inclinations: if you want to see what you are studying applied in a real prototype of a sailing boat, satellite or self-driving electric car, or you want to understand how to become an entrepreneur; if you believe you are ready to give your best by working in a team or you are fascinated by the idea of entering the world of research, you will certainly find the right activity for you in these programmes.
Choose the path that suits you!
The Teaching and Language Laboratory was created in order to guarantee a teaching that is attentive to the needs of the student community and oriented towards new innovative and participative training methods: a space dedicated to teachers to promote initiatives and research that make a university's first mission - to teach - more effective.