Students with disabilities

veduta d'insieme della sala studio special needs

Studying without architectural barriers

Removing architectural barriers and ensuring that students with disabilities can enjoy their right to university education is how we guarantee their inclusion at Politecnico. Politecnico has a specific plan approved by its governing bodies to remove architectural barriers. 

Specific services

Students with disabilities can get:

  • the support of a Student Tutor (a student who works to support peers with disabilities), chosen from the Register of Student Tutors (click here to apply). A Student Tutor can help with self-study and academic activities and provide support with administrative procedures; 
  • the support of specialized staff members through agreements between Politecnico and a variety of national organizations for the protection of people with disabilities (Italian Sign Language Interpreters);
  • the use of customized computer tools created by specialized IT technicians (after the evaluation of each student's case) to be more independent. 
  • exemption from paying the tuition fees: students with disabilities with a certified disability rate > 66% can be exempted from paying the tuition fees (for more information: see the Tuition Fee Regulations);


Students need to get the approval of the Special Needs Unit before they can enjoy specific services. The Specil Needs Unit examines the specific needs of each student and proposes the most suitable intervention. 

New students: complete the enrolment process and contact the Special Needs Unit by ticket for a preliminary interview. Please upload the certificate of disability / invalidity  or "temporary difficulty" in .pdf format if not previously entered in the apply procedure.

Students already enrolled: enclose the certificate of disability / invalidity  or "temporary difficulty" in .pdf format and send it by ticket to request an interview.


The Special Needs Unit can prepare an individual support plan after examining the needs of each student. The Special Needs Unit liaises with:

  • the teaching staff of the Department
  • the university staff in charge of:
    • the assignment of a Student Tutor and the administrative procedures for tuition fee exemption and possible scholarships;
    • developing special IT tools and/or computer aids to improve study opportunities;
    • dealing with problems related to architectural barriers to solve accessibility issues;
    • managing the access to reserved parking.



Please note: 

With regard to the use of compensatory/dispensatory measures during examinations, students are invited to inform the teaching staff directly, at least one week before the examination session, of the compensatory measures agreed with the Special Needs Unit and indicated by the Unit using the standard procedure, in order to allow the teacher to determine the most suitable measures for the specific type of examination.


The kind of support that we offer varies according to the needs of each applicant.

To obtain special arrangements to take the admission test, you must register to the Apply@polito platform, flag the "Disability" box in the personal data section and upload your certificate in .pdf format.

In case of difficulties, please contact the Special Needs Unit by ticket.

TIL Engineering / Design and Communication / Territorial, Urban, Environmental and Landscape Planning/ Professional degree in manufacturing technologies

Support provided:

- Additional time (normally 30% more)

- Calculator (non-programmable)

- Tutor support for PC operation / reader function

- Vocalising the test with ReadSpeaker (do the Test Simulation from the "Learning Material" section of the Apply@polito platform, in order to test the reader)

For tests taken in person at Politecnico, please remember to bring your personal calculator and headphones with USB port.

For practical reasons we can provide extra time only at a certain time of the day of the test. If you cannot take the test at that specific time, please contact the Special Needs Unit.  

 TIL Architecture

Support provided:

Please check the ministerial call for applications: additional time and calculator are normally guaranteed.

If you require the assistance of a tutor, please report it well in advance by ticket.

VIDEOPresa in carico e definizione misure compensative per studenti con DSA e disabilità

The compensatory measures are assigned in the first instance by the Special Needs Unit on the basis of the certification presented; they can be reviewed together with the Unit's operators by making an appointment, either in person or remotely.

Post-registration, if you have taken the entrance test using compensatory measures, you will receive an email on your institutional address ( inviting you to watch an information video. When you confirm that you have watched the video, the Special Needs Unit staff will enter the compensatory measures deducible from your certification in your intake form.

An email will be sent to you inviting you to view the form on the teaching portal (online secretarial section, compensatory measures), together with the compensatory measures assigned.

You have 15 days to proceed from the teaching portal with confirmation of the proposed measures, if you consider them to be correct and comprehensive.

If, on the other hand, you feel changes or additions are necessary, make an appointment via ticket for an interview with the Special Needs Unit.


- If you do nothing in the 15 days following the Special Needs Unit's email, you will not be able to take advantage of the compensatory measures for the whole year

- Once the measures have been shared with the teaching staff, they cannot be modified for the entire academic year.

- At the beginning of each academic year you will have to go through the procedure of accepting and sharing the measures again, and you may therefore request a review of the list of measures, providing supporting documentation if necessary.

- The student population enrolling from the second time onwards must take action no later than 15 December



Students with Specific Learning Disorders (SpLD), in addition to using the Online Report Procedure, are invited to communicate directly with the professor, at least one week before the beginning of the examination session. The professor must be informed about the special arrangements agreed with the Special Needs Unit so he/she can find the most suitable solution for the specific type of examination.

C-PEN LingoPen / Exam Reader

- Use in the Special Needs Study Room and Lending Service

The Special Needs Unit provides users with SpLD/disabilities with two new-generation reading support devices, designed for the facilitation of individual learning paths and for use in examinations, respectively:

- N.5 C.Pen LingoPen 
- No. 5 C-Pen Exam Reader 

The pens can be used in the special needs study room; it is also possible to borrow them at home.

To activate the loan, it is necessary to:

  • Open a ticket indicating the pen required (Lingo Pen or Exam reader)
  • Wait for confirmation of the availability of the requested pen before collecting it from the special needs room (opening hours 09:00-12:00; 14:00-16:00 Monday to Friday)

The lending of the pen is personal and the user is held responsible in all respects for any damage caused to the borrowed pen and its proper storage, and is also liable in the event of theft or loss.

When handing over the pen, the user is obliged to check its integrity and state of preservation and report any problems to the staff.

The loan lasts 14 days and is renewable (request for renewal by ticket by the day before the expiry date).
Failure to comply with the loan terms will result in the loan and access to the study room being barred for a period equal to the number of days of delay.

In the event of accidental loss/theft or destruction, the user is required to pay back an amount equal to the commercial value of the pen.

  • At the Open space of the Fondazione time 2 in Corso Stati Uniti 62/B l’Associazione Dewrec is proposing Primasera, a rich catalogue of concerts for the entire month of July, with free admission: a wonderful opportunity to experience the neighbourhood and its shared spaces.

  • 30 May 2024: don't miss the Diversity Day at the Politecnico di Milano! See the poster for details of the programme 


  • 15th March: Inclusion Job Day, the online event dedicated to the employment inclusion of people with disabilities, is back. . Open the Comunicato stampa the press release to register for the event. It is free!


  • The Time 2 Foundation has opened a new location at Corso Stati Uniti 62/b called Open, “spazio aperto di diversità”, a place where the idea and practice of a society made up of diversity can be nurtured every day.

    The spaces can be used in many ways, there is a cafeteria, a study room, the possibility of participating in events and courses... we suggest browsing the site, it is a beautiful reality right next door!


  • Tutorial-Me Managing Disability: a platform created by Fondazione Allianz UMANA MENTE in collaboration with the Coordinamento degli Atenei Lombardi per la Disabilità (CALD), a tool and a place accessible to all and completely free of charge, characterised by a single mission: to promote the culture of disability.


  • CUS Torino, Coronavirus Emergency, "I stay at home" campaign: suggestions from athletes with disabilities and not to miss training



  • ENJOY THE DIFFERENCE (ETD): a project in which university students and young people with disabilities live together and share their living space 


  • AISM (Associazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla - Italian Association for Multiple Sclerosis): short presentation of the association; how to become an ambassador.


We want to support students during their entire educational path, even after graduation and until they find a job. Here you can find the links to the websites of the Local Authorities that deal with labour market inclusion of people with disabilities (Regione Piemonte, Città Metropolitana, Comune di Torino).


Regione Piemonte

promotes labour market inclusion of people with disabilities through the initiatives of the Città Metropolitana.   



Città Metropolitana di Torino

Law no. 68 of 1999 (reform of job placement of people with disabilities) introduced the new principle of "targeted placement". The goal is to promote labour market inclusion of people with disabilities in jobs that are compatible with their health conditions and skills. At the same time, "targeted placement" aims to meet employers’ needs for a good placement of people with disabilities inside their organizations.

Under Law no. 68 of 1999, employers who are required to hire people with disabilities can enter into agreements with the Province of Torino and receive employment incentives.

 More information is available at the dedicated webpage.

Comune di Torino

Passepartout is a service offered by the Municipality of Torino which organizes and runs activities for people with physical and motor disabilities. The service has three Units:    

  • Social Communication Unit -  Editorial staff  “Città Aperta” and “InformadisAbile” 
  • Socio-educational Unit 
  •  Mobility Unit 

All Units are committed to promoting active citizenship of people with physical-motor disabilities starting from providing updated and timely information as a tool for self-determination and social participation.    


InformadisAbile is the project that promotes the initiatives organized by the Municipality of Torino for people with disabilities.  The staff members of InformadisAbile welcome and guide citizens providing updated information on the following topics: municipal services, legislation, assistance, education, architectural barriers, aids, transport and mobility, work and training, living spaces, tourism, leisure, third sector, self-help/mutual-aid, conferences and events. The service is available over the phone, online and in person at a public counter.

InformadisAbile Front Desk Via Palazzo di Città, 11
Tel: Fax:
Monday – Friday:  9.00 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. / 1:30 - 4:00 p.m.

Check this link (Lavoro e Orientamento) to learn more about the labour market. 

The Special Needs Unit has supported many students over the years. 

With each one of them we have shared projects, efforts, satisfaction, difficulties and positive results. Each student has built his/her own special path and has contributed to promote the growth of our support services

For this reason, we have decided to make this web page available to all students. It is meant to be a space where you can share experiences and skills which hopefully will stimulate new ideas and projects.


Methodological warning:   

To publish some contents on this page, please send us a ticket.  The Special Needs Unit will examine the text to verify if it fits with the purposes of this page before publication, without judging the contents.   

Please note that the author of the text will take full responsibility for what is written in the text. Any reference to programmes or products should not have promotional purposes, only showing personal experience.


Study Guides

This section collects some Study Guides built on the experience of students who have been supported by the Special Needs Unit. 

The aim of these guides is to share tools to overcome critical issues that other students had to face during their academic path. Please note that any references to programmes or products do not have any promotional purpose, but they only reflect the individual point of view of the author.   

Enjoy the reading!

  1. Enea Study Guide suggests strategies for students with upper limb motor impairment (arms)
  2. Roberto and Annalisa's guide is intended for students with visual impairmen