Part-time on-campus jobs are opportunities that Politecnico offers to all students for financial support.
They are paid jobs. You can be engaged in a range of activities providing your support to Politecnico teaching staff and to the university offices/services. A part-time on-campus job is expected to last for a maximum of 200 working hours (the hourly pay is 9.50 Euro for jobs in the administrative offices of the University and 12.50 Euro for teaching support jobs).
Part-time on-campus jobs are independent from your educational path or from your professional career as you will not earn any credits nor receive any specific certificate to attach to your CV. But working on-campus allows you to earn some extra money and is compatible with your academic studies (work schedules are often flexible). It is also a chance to gain experience in a large institution.
There are several Calls for applications every year (1st semester Call, 2nd semester Call, Call for orientation activities for prospective students, Summer Call, Call for international students, etc.). Each Call for applications has two parts:
- the first part describes the jobs and illustrates the requirements you need to meet in order to compete for these positions;
- the second part explains how to apply and how to accept an offer for an on-campus job. It also lists the rules that you need to observe in order to be paid at the end of the job.
Jobs are offered to applicants according to their position on a ranking list. Ranking lists are based on academic merit.
For more information (calls for applications, how to apply, ranking lists…) please contact the Office for the Right to Education through the Ticketing service. Log into your personal page of the Teaching Portal, click the “ticket” tab available on the menu bar and choose the topic: “Part-time on-campus jobs”.
For further information write to Ticketing Support System:
Students and graduates from Politecnico di Torino (with username and password) |
Log in for users registered to Apply@polito (with username and password) |
Guest users – FAQs and tickets (registration not required) |