In this section you can find information on the services for students with disabilities or SpLD who are about to begin their academic studies. In particular, you can find information about Bachelor’s degree programmes (with admission test) and Master’s degree programmes.
Applicants who want to enrol in a Bachelor’s degree programme at Politecnico di Torino must take an admission test called TIL-test (Test In Laib).
Click here to find out more about the TIL-test.
Applicants who need special arrangements to take the admission test must register to the Apply@PoliTO platform and flag the “SpLD/Disability” box in the personal data section. Then they must upload an up-to-date certificate in .pdf format.
Specifically, Politecnico accepts the following certificates:
- for people with SpDL: Certificate pursuant to Law 170/201(issued no later than 3 years ago if released before turning 18 years old) by SSN (Italian National Healthcare Service) facilities or by specialist/facilities accredited by SSN. If the certificate was issued more than 3 years ago, applicants must fill in a self-declaration (available on the Apply@polito platform) to certify that a renewal certificate has been already requested.
- for people with diabilities: Certificate of disability or invalidity, with both diagnosis and percentage of disability clearly stated.
- Non-Italian certificates: documents must be official documents stamped by the issuing institution, signed by an official of the institution and written in one of the following languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish. For documents written in other languages, applicants must provide both the original document and its translation into Italian or English in a single file.
Any further specifications and/or derogations will be defined each year in the relevant Calls
Special arrangements provided during the admission test are illustrated in Calls for applications for admission to our Bachelor's degree programmes (Architecture - Design and communication - Territorial, urban and environmental landscape planning - Engineering). The following are usually provided:
- Extra time (30% more);
- Calculator (non-programmable, provided by Politecnico if the applicant does not have one);
- Vocalization of the test with “ReadSpeaker” (applicants can test the reader from the Test Simulator, available in the “Teaching Materials” section of the student’s personal page on the Apply@polito platform).
Applicants who need the assistance of a tutor for using the PC / reading the questions must make an explicit request via ticket; each case will be evaluated based on the specialist's report/certificate.
For organizational reasons, extra time is usually offered in one specific time slot only. Applicants who are unable to take the test in the scheduled time slot need to inform the Special Needs Unit via ticket.
The admission requirements to our Master's degree programmes are available at this page.
For Master's degree programmes with admission test, applicants who need special arrangements to take the test must register on the Apply@PoliTO platform, flag the “SpLD/Disability” box in the personal data section and upload an up-to-date certificate in .pdf format.
After registering on the Apply@polito platform, applicants must contact the Special Needs Unit via Ticket, explaining the type of test they are going to take. Each case will be evaluated based on the specialist's report/certificate and the type of test.
Specifically, Politecnico accepts the following certificates:
- for people with SpDL: Certificate pursuant to Law 170/201 (issued no later than 3 years ago if released before turning 18 years old) by SSN (Italian National Healthcare Service) facilities or by specialist/facilities accredited by SSN. If the certificate was issued more than 3 years ago, applicants must fill in a self-declaration (available on the Apply@polito platform) to certify that a renewal certificate has been already requested.
- for people with diabilities: Certificate of disability or invalidity, with both diagnosis and percentage of disability clearly stated.
- Non-Italian certificates: documents must be official documents stamped by the issuing institution, signed by an official of the institution and written in one of the following languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish. For documents written in other languages, applicants must provide both the original document and its translation into Italian or English in a single file.
Special arrangements may also be provided to individuals with certified SpLD or disabilties who want to take the State Examination for Professional Practice or to applicants who need to sit the admission test for a Ph.D. programme.
It is necessary to upload an updated certificate to the Apply@polito platform and send a ticket to the Special Needs Unit, specifying the date and type of test, as well as the special arrangements requested.
The Special Needs Unit in cooperation with a specific internal Committee will examine each case and verify if the special arrangements can be granted to the requesting person on the basis of the certificate provided. The results of this evaluation will be sent to the requesting person by ticket.