The Italian courses @PoliTo are held by teachers from Società Dante Alighieri, an institution which preserves and spreads Italian language and culture throughout the world, qualified to deliver Italian language and culture courses in various countries. Teachers from Società Dante Alighieri are specially trained by the Society to prepare students for the PLIDA exam (
The Italian courses of the Spring Semester will start on March 10 at 19:00.
The timetable and rooms of the Italian courses will be published by March 10.
How to register for an Italian course:
Through a specific Procedure on your PoliTo Languages page, you can:
• choose whether or not to attend an Italian course in the semester of interest;
• be guided in your choice of the Italian course to attend in the semester of interest, according to your actual level of Italian, even if you have no knowledge of Italian at all.
The Procedure is open from the beginning of October to the end of November for the Italian courses of the Autumn Semester, and from the beginning of March to the end of April for the Italian courses of the Spring Semester.
In each Semester:
• You can use the procedure 2 times, if needed, to check if you can change the level of the Italian course you registered for in the Semester of interest.
• The choice you make on second use of the procedure will be final and overwrites your previous choice (Italian course level/no Italian course).
If you intend to register for an Italian course of a level higher than the first (beginner's) level: do not answer the questions you do not know in the level assessment quiz and leave them blank, in order not to be guided towards choosing an Italian course to attend that may be too difficult for you.
If you have any doubts while using the procedure, quit the procedure without selecting any choices and contact the Teaching and Language Center (CLA) via ticket.
List of Italian courses @PoliTo, all taught in person, sorted by progressive language level:
• Lingua Italiana I Livello (Italian Language First Level)
• Lingua Italiana II Livello (Italian Language Second Level)
• Lingua Italiana III Livello (Italian Language Third Level)
• Lingua Italiana IV Livello (Italian Language Fourth Level)
All Italian courses have the same timetable. All Italian exams are held in person.
Students enrolled in a degree programme who choose to attend an Italian course of a level different from their mandatory course:
• your weekly timetable only shows the courses included in your APSP, therefore you will see there only your mandatory Italian course (that you will not attend).
• In order to check the timetable and room of the italian course of different level you selected through the procedure:
- go to your PoliTo page My Academic Progress, section Other Courses and click on the course name to see the course details.
- go to the PoliTo timetable search page and fill in the form with Teacher's name and course name. The timetable and rooms of the next Italian courses will be published by Monday, March 10.
• in order to graduate, you will still have to pass the mandatory Italian exam included in your APSP.
• you will be able to register for one Italian course in each semester, once per level (see previous list of Italian courses) and until you pass your mandatory Italian exam.