Student benefits

Ministerial contribution for housing rental expenses - year 2024

The Ministry of University and Research recognizes, for the year 2024, a contribution to the cost of housing to "off-site (Fuori Sede)" students regularly enrolled in a. y. 2023/2024.

The contribution is intended for students who will apply through the guided procedure available on the personal page of the Teaching Portal. The candidates must satisfy the specific requirements detailed in the call for application.


Application submission period: from 16/07/2024 to 2/08/2024 at 12:00 p.m. (Italian time)

Publication of provisional list of eligible students: 17/09/2024

Filing a claim: by 20/09/2024 12:00 p.m. (Italian time)

Publication of final list of eligible students: 25/09/2024

Call contribution for housing rental expenses 2024

Initiatives for students' mobility and culture for a.y. 2023/24

Also for the academic year 2023/24, the Board of Governors of the Politecnico di Torino has decided to renew the projects for the promotion of students' mobility and culture, enabling full-time students enrolled in a Bachelor, Master of Science or PhD study course to benefit from discounts on the purchase of travel passes, subscriptions to bike-sharing services, Museum pass and Fablab Torino Membership Card.

Please find below information on each service, together with the requirements, procedures and deadlines that applicants must comply with in order to obtain the above-mentioned benefits. Failure to comply with the following provisions will result in exclusion from eligibility.


By Determination no. 1029/2024 of the 27th.05.2024 the final assessment results of the applications for “Pacchetto mobilità e cultura”, including additional recalculations and reviews, referred to in Executive Determination no. 894 of 27 November 2023 have been approved.

Below you can download the annexes relating to:

1) reimbursment applications for the travel pass or bike-sharing service subscription 

2) Discount applications for Museum Card/Pass 

3) Discount for Fablab Student Membership card


  • Full-time enrolment in academic year 2023/2024 in a Bachelor, Master or PhD programme;
  • having obtained the following number of university credits between 10th August 2022 and 10th August 2023:

Bachelor or Master of Science first-year students


Bachelor or Master of Science second-year students

10 CFU

Students enrolled beyond the second time in a Bachelor or Master degree programme

25 CFU

Ph.D. students


Applications to all benefits included in the “Pacchetto Mobilità e Cultura” must be submitted online through the Abbonamenti Studenti procedure available on each students’ personal page of the Portale della Didattica/Segreteria on line.

The application procedure will be available only for students who meet the necessary requirements and will be open from 3:00 p.m. on 27thNovember 2023 to 21st December 2023.

For students enrolled in a Bachelor or Master of Science degree course, partial reimbursements of the travel pass are calculated according to a percentage, as shown in the tables below, which varies according to the students’ economic level assigned at the deadline of 21st December 2023. The percentage refers to the amount indicated on the purchase receipt for a maximum reference value of:

  • € 208 for students from bracket 1 to 39;
  • € 258 for students from bracket 40 to 75.


Politecnico will reduce - for all applicants - the maximum amount considered for calculating the refundable amount by a 50% quota of the “Bonus Trasporti” (€ 30.00) as per Decree no. 4 of 28 March 2023; for those who self-declare in the online procedure to have obtained the "Bonus Trasporti", Politecnico will apply a reduction equal to 100% of "Bonus Trasporti" itself (€ 60.00).

In case of an application for both the reimbursement of the travel pass and the bike-sharing service subscription, the percentage will be applied to the sum of both values, up to the above-mentioned maximum limit.

Please note: students who are not eligible for a contribution reduction application because they benefit from a special economic treatment in accordance with the " Guida alla contribuzione 2023/24" (e.g.: disabled students, students holding a scholarship from external bodies, etc.) must submit a valid ISEE/ISEE Parificato to Ufficio Tasse, via the ticketing system, while applying for reimbursement no later than 21st December 2023. Otherwise, they will receive the reimbursement foreseen for economic bracket 75.

The maximum reimbursable sum for students enrolled in a PhD programme is fixed at € 125.

Please refer to Table 1 and Table 2 available here for the calculation of the amount that can be reimbursed for the transport passes.


Which passes are refundable

Travel passes to Politecnico must:

- be purchased no later than 21st December 2023;

- have a validity starting from 1st July 2023;

- have a 10 or 12-month duration (weekly or monthly transport passes CANNOT be reimbursed).

Students attending classes at the Mondovì campus are allowed to request the reimbursement of a travel pass for reaching that campus and the Torino ones.

Bike-sharing services for the Torino area must:

- be purchased between 1st July 2023 and 21st December 2023 (if the subscription was made before, it has to be valid for at least 90 days after 1st July 2023);

- have a minimum 90-day duration.



How to apply for a travel pass/bike-sharing subscription refund

In order to submit your refund request, you will need to attach the following documents while carrying out the online application:

  • transport pass purchase receipt showing the following information:
    • first and last name of the pass holder and the number of the card on which the pass is uploaded;
    • transport pass price;
    • date of purchase;
    • pass duration;
  • front and back scan of the card on which the pass is uploaded.

Applicants have to self-declare if they obtained the “Bonus Trasport” or not by flagging the right option in the form.

In case of a GTT network season pass, it will be necessary to specify the type of card on which the season pass has been activated and the relevant code. GTT has simplified and made the procedures for the online purchase of season passes more accessible, recommending their use in order to avoid queues:

Upon completion of the application procedure, students will receive a confirmation message to the institutional email address. In case students do not receive the confirmation email, they are required to report it via the Ticketing service within 21st December 2023, in order to verify the correct completion of the application procedure.


How and when reimbursements are issued

Reimbursements for travel passes and annual subscriptions/memberships to bike-sharing services will be issued according to the option chosen by the student in the section indicated below, which must be completed in order to submit the reimbursement application: Segreteria On-line - Tasse e Pagamenti - Procedura per l'indicazione della modalità di pagamento con cui saranno corrisposti tutti i compensi erogati dall'Ateneo.

Refunds will be paid starting from April 2024. Students will be able to view on their personal page, in the Pagamento Tasse section, the two debit/credit entries relating to the amount of the refund received.

Please note that the maximum refundable amount is one and the same and includes the reimbursement of both the travel pass and the cost of a subscription/membership card for bike-sharing services (hourly charges are not refundable).

The reimbursement payment is subject to verification of the data on the purchase receipt. If the receipt attached to the application is illegible, incomplete or relates to a type of subscription other than the one indicated in this notice, the refund will not be issued.

Students meeting the above-mentioned requirements may apply through Politecnico for the Museum Card, by paying a reduced fee of € 11.

How to request a discount Museum Card through Politecnico

In order to complete the request, applicants need to make a € 11 payment via one of the options available online.

Upon application completion, a confirmation email will be sent to each student’s institutional email address. Students who don’t receive the confirmation email, must report it via the ticketing system in order to verify the correct completion of the application procedure.

Abbonamento Musei Association will send the QR code enabling access to the affiliated museums by email, approximately in March 2024. Applicants not receiving the QR code are invited to contact the Associazione Abbonamento Musei at

What is Abbonamento Musei

Abbonamento Musei is the "all you can visit" card that brings together the cultural offerings of Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta in a single circuit: it is valid for 365 days and allows free and unlimited visits to museums, exhibitions, royal residences, villas, castles, gardens, fortresses, archaeological sites, public and private collections, including over 280 sites.

More information about the card can be found at the following link:

Please note that students can apply either for a discount Museum Card or Fablab Torino Membership Card, not both of them.

Students meeting the above-mentioned requirements may apply through Politecnico for the Fablab Student Membership card, by paying a reduced fee of € 11.

Upon application completion, a confirmation email will be sent to each student’s institutional email address with the link to register on Fablab website and activate your Student membership card. Students who don’t receive the confirmation email, must report it via the ticketing system in order to verify the correct completion of the application procedure.

Further information about Fablab are available at this link:

Please note that students can apply either for a discount Museum Card or Fablab Torino Membership Card, not both of them.