Alias careers

Alias careers

The ‘alias career’ is intended to create an alternative identity that replaces the personal data with the ‘chosen’ name chosen by the person in transition, within the administrative management information system, as reported in the Guidelines for Italian Universities on the Implementation of the Career Alias by the National Conference of Equality Bodies of Italian Universities.

The Academic Senate of the Politecnico, in its meeting of 20 July 2021, approved the adoption of a new procedural procedure for the activation of alias careers for the student population, updating it in accordance with the above-mentioned Guidelines.

This administrative procedure was subsequently extended to the entire polytechnic community (assignees, doctoral students, lecturers, researchers, managers, technical-administrative staff, librarians, technologists and CELs), as detailed in the Guidelines for the activation and management of alias careers for the polytechnic community, approved by the Academic Senate at its meeting of 14 July 2022.

The alias identity is exclusively internal and is governed by a specific agreement between the applicant and the polytechnic. 

For ease of reading, the following is a summary of the procedures to be followed for the student population and for staff.

Summary of the 'alias career' application procedure for the student population

Summary of the 'alias career' application procedure for staff

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