The Alias Career ("Carriere Alias") is intended to create an alternative identity that replaces the personal data with the "elective" name", chosen by the person in a gender transition, within the computer system of the university as reported in the Guidelines for Italian Universities on the implementation of career alias of the National Conference of Equality Bodies of the Italian Universities.
The administrative procedure for the adoption of the Alias Career in accordance with the Guidelines for Italian Universities is indicated in detail here (extract of the full resolution approved by the Academic Senate in its meeting of 20th July 2021) and later updated on 14th July 2022.
In line with the provisions adoped in July 2021 regarding the new process for the activation of alias careers for students, on 14th July 2022 the Academic senate approved the Guidelines for the activation and management of Alias Careers for the whole University Community (research fellows, doctoral candidates, faculty, researchers, managers, technical administrative and library staff, technologists and language experts).