Patronage requests

Free patronage from the Politecnico di Torino shall only be granted by the Rector, who thus conveys the symbolic membership of the University to an initiative proposed by third parties considered worthy of appraisal for their scientific, cultural, artistic, educational, sporty, economic, social and celebratory objectives, of national and international character.

These initiatives must be coherent with PoliTO statutory objectives, principles and strategic guidelines.

Patronage is free according to the instructions for granting sponsorship.  

Patronage implies the authorization to use the logo (brand and logotype) of the University, with the statement: "under the patronage of Politecnico di Torino”.  It is exercised via the application of the logo on communication materials of the initiative (posters, flyers, leaflets, publications, web channels…).

The patronage does not entail a financial burden on Politecnico's Balance Sheet, or any organizational or logistical interventions. Such interventions may be subject to a separate assessment by the University upon submissions for explicit requests.

Requesting the use of the logo is not the same as requesting patronage.

The request for patronage, signed by the legal representative of the applicant or individual, should be made out using the Patronage request form and must state the initiative outlining: contents, purpose, reason for the request, time frame, place and methods of execution. 

The application should be addressed to the Rector of the Politecnico di Torino and should be submitted, in electronic format preferably, usually at least 30 days before the initiative is implemented, to:

Ufficio Protocollo – Politecnico di Torino Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, n. 24  - 10129 Torino tel. 011 090.6381/3252 - fax 011 090.6329 e-mail: