In order to promote a favorable working environment for researchers and to implement the Recommendation of the European Commission concerning the European Charter for Researchers and a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (2005/251/ EC), Politecnico di Torino has created the function of Researcher Ombudsman.
With Rector's Decree no. 956/2019, the Academic Senate has appointed Prof. Claudia De Giorgi - acting as Deputy Rector for Quality, Welfare and Equal Opportunities – as the Researcher Ombudsman of Politecnico di Torino.
In line with the provisions included in the "Complaints and appeals" principle of the European Charter, the Researcher Ombudsman is the person in charge of intervening informally to deal with complaints/appeals of researchers, including those concerning conflicts between early-stage researchers and their supervisors. The Researcher Ombudsman acts in full autonomy and independence and must ensure impartiality, fair and equitable treatment and confidentiality. The term “researcher” here refers to the definition contained in the European Charter, which includes all persons professionally engaged in research activities at any career stage and with any role: PhD candidates, research fellows, permanent and fixed-term researchers as well as associate and full professors.
The tasks of the Researcher Ombudsman are described in the "Researcher Ombudsman Guidelines".
The Researcher Ombudsman can intervene upon written request of the interested party sent by e-mail to
For further information:
- Linee guida di funzionamento - (Italian only)
- European Charter for Researchers
- Relazione delle attività Garante dei Ricercatori 2019-2023 (accesso per utenti abilitati) - (Italian only)