On 17 July 2019, the Academic Senate approved the document entitled Research integrity at Politecnico di Torino, upon favorable opinion of the Board of Governors. This document is the programmatic manifesto of the internationally recognized fundamental principles that our University embraces in conducting its research.
Research integrity means adherence to the ethical principles and values, deontological duties and professional standards essential for the responsible practice of scientific research.
The development of an ethos of integrity in scientific research is a significant challenge for today's universities, which face new ethical questions posed by the increasing availability of digital resources and the growing pressure on researchers to publish for their career advancement. With the adoption of the manifesto on research integrity our University aims to raise awareness on the principles of Responsible Research and Innovation. This is also a key approach promoted by the European Commission.
This manifesto is part of a series of actions launched by Politecnico for the implementation of the European Charter for Researchers. Politecnico di Torino has been awarded the European “HR Excellence in Research Award” for its commitment to creating an increasingly positive and attractive research environment for researchers from all over the world.
Regulations for research integrity
On 30 June 2020 Politecnico di Torino approved the Regulations for research Integrity that seek to promote the principles of the manifesto on research integrity and to manage possible violations.
The Regulations deal with the most serious violations, in particular:
- Fabrication of completely or partially non-existent results
- Falsification and manipulation of results
- Plagiarism, understood as the act of appropriating the ideas and results of others without giving proper credit to the authors
- Incorrect attribution of contributions to the various research products among the co-authors
Suspected violations must be reported to the Rector (integrita.ricerca@polito.it) sending a written report and appropriate supporting documents, as provided for in article 4 of the Regulations.