Tuition Fees

The financial rights and obligations between the student community and Politecnico di Torino are defined in the Tuition fee Regulations, the provisions of which are resolved for each academic year by the relevant governing bodies of the University. All students are required to be familiar with the provisions in these Regulations.

Any information on this matter can be obtained from the University Registrar and Tuition fee unit.

Tuition Fee Regulations 2024/2025

The Tuition Fee Regulations 2024/2025 govern:

  • the amounts of the student tuition fees;
  • the criteria for the allocation of exemptions, reductions and benefits;
  • the methods and deadlines for payment and reimbursement of the tuition fees, together with credit recovery activities in case of non-payment;
  • the system of controls and sanctions applied on the economic data self-certified for the request for tuition fee reduction.

The Tuition Fee Regulations 2024/2025 is issued by Rectoral Decree No. 635/2024 dated June 11, 2024 and is available at the following link.

At the following link you can find a simulator of the tuition fees due by extra-EU students not residing in Italy:

Nei riquadri sottostanti, infine, sono disponibili dei tutorial relativi al conto corrente virtuale, all’ISEE per richiedere la riduzione della contribuzione e alle modalità di presentazione della richiesta.

Agreement CAF offices 2024/2025

Students who apply for tuition fee reduction must obtain their ISEE/ISEE Parificato by contacting one of the CAF offices affiliated with Politecnico.

The up-to-date list of the CAF offices will be available soon at this page.

Verifications and inspections on the ISEE Universitario/Parificato

In this section you can find both general and specific information about the inspections on the ISEE/ISEE parificato.

What are these inspections and why are they carried out?

National and regional norms and the Tuition Fee Regulation by Politecnico require that those who benefit from a reduction on the tuition fee due are subjected to checks on the correctness of the ISEE (or ISEE Parificato)  presented to define the amount of the reduction and, therefore, of the tuition fee due.

These checks concern the family, economic and patrimonial data of the members of the household for ISEE purposes declared for the determination of the SE (Scale of Equivalence), ISE (Indicator of Economic Situation), ISEE (Indicator of Equivalent Economic Situation), ISP (Indicator of Patrimonial Situation) and ISPE (Indicator of Equivalent Patrimonial Situation) values.


When are these inspections carried out?

Inspections are made ex post; students subject to the check are detected after the last date for applying for the reduction/exemption, as indicated in the Tuition Fee Regulations for the relevant academic year. From the application of the reduction, Politecnico has 10 years to carry out the inspections, after which the statute of limitations arises.


Who may be the subject of these inspections?

Pursuant to the Decree of the Director General No. 686/2023 dated March 27, 2023, checks are carried out on a randomly drawn sample of ISEE statements with priority for the following categories:

  • ISEE that contain annotation of omissions/defects, not previously regularized according to the procedures set forth in the Tuition Fee Regulations;
  • ISEE with value 0.
  • ISEE of individuals who declare themselves to be independent for ISEE purposes.
  • ISEE that deviates by €10,000.00 less or more than the statement used in the previous academic year, with the same number of household members declared for ISEE purposes.
  • ISEE of first-year students who, despite having the income requirements to compete for the Edisu scholarship, did not apply for this benefit.

The Director of the STUDI Directorate shall determine the size of the samples subjected to checks for the categories listed above and any new categories to be checked.

The start of the inspections on ISEE statements referring to a given academic year is communicated to the student community by publishing a special notice on this page. Each student concerned also receives an email on the institutional email account and, more importantly, sees a dedicated portlet activated on the personal page of the Teaching Portal, section “Online Services,” called “Economic Assessments”: through this portlet all information about the procedure and its progress is available. Therefore, students who do not receive the email and do not view the portlet are not subject to assessment.


Who carries out the inspections?

Through an appropriate determination, the Director of the STUDI Directorate identifies the Head of the Procedure and the Office in charge of conducting the assessments. This information is available on this page and of the notices sent to students undergoing assessment.


What are the outcomes of the inspections?

If the outcome of the assessment is compliant, the student/student receives notification exclusively through the appropriate portlet “Economic Assessments” activated in the “Online Secretariat” section of the personal page of the Education Portal.

Otherwise, if the outcome of the assessment is non-compliant the student/student receives communication:

  1. via the appropriate portlet “Economic Assessments” activated in the “Online Services” section of the personal page of the Teaching Portal;
  2. via e-mail on the institutional e-mail account.

Communications sent by e-mail will contain all information regarding documentation, methods and timeframes with which to submit counterclaims.


What are the consequences if the result of the inspection is non-compliant?

If, following the submission of counterclaims, the outcome of the assessment remains non-compliant, for the academic year to which the student/student was subject to assessment the student

  • Will forfeit all benefits obtained;
  • will have to return the difference between the maximum contribution amount and the reduced amount applied as a result of the request for reduction, plus any other benefits obtained;
  • if applicable, will have imposed the penalties provided by: Decree-Law No. 78 of May 31, 2010 (converted with amendments by Law No. 122 of July 30, 2010), Art. 38, paragraph 3: “[...] against those persons who, due to the increased income ascertained, have illegally benefited from subsidized social benefits [...] the sanction of 500 to 5,000 euros shall be applied.” ; Legislative Decree March 29, 2012, No. 68, Art. 10 paragraph 3: “Anyone who, without being in the conditions established by state and regional provisions, presents untrue declarations, either his own or those of family members, in order to benefit from the relevant interventions, is subject to an administrative sanction consisting in the payment of a sum three times the amount received, or the value of the services unduly enjoyed, and loses the right to obtain other disbursements for the duration of the course of studies.”

These measures will be applied according to the procedures approved by the Board of Directors of Politecnico di Torino in its meeting of September 24, 2019 (resolution 256/2019).

In addition, the Head of the Procedure will forward the acts to the Rector in order to send appropriate reports to the competent authorities, for the possible application of further measures and actions provided for by the regulations in force.

According to the Decreto del Direttore Generale n. 686/2023 del 27 marzo 2023 e dalla Determina Dirigenziale n. 442/2023 del 28 marzo 2023, with the Determina Dirigenziale n. 1166 del 28 luglio 2023  was ordered to start the economic verification procedure related to the ISEE statements submitted for the purpose of applying for the reduction of the student contribution a.y. 2021/2022.

1. The proceedings began on August 28, 2023 and will end on October 27, 2023, subject to extensions due to delays by the certifying administrations in responding to the Polytechnic's verification requests or the phase of interlocution between the student subject to assessment and the office in charge of the proceedings, circumstances that interrupt the deadlines.

2. The consistency of the samples submitted for assessment was determined as in the following points. For categories with less than 100 percent consistency, the ascertained were identified by random drawing using computer tools. Of the identification of the ascertained, a special report was prepared.

  •  ISEE containing annotation of omissions/defects, not previously regularized according to the procedures outlined in the Student Contribution Guide: 100%.
  • ISEE with value 0: 100%.
  • ISEE of individuals who declare themselves independent: 100%.
  • ISEE that deviates by €10,000.00 less or more than the certificate used in the previous academic year, with the same number of household members declared for ISEE purposes: 5%.
  • ISEE of first-year matriculated subjects who, despite having the income requirements to compete for the Edisu scholarship, did not apply for this benefit: 10%

3. The only Person Responsible for the Procedure is Luigi Rinaldi, Head of the University Registrar and Tuition fee unit;

4. The office where the records are filed and available for consultation is the University Registrar and Tuition fee unit, Student and Career Secretariat Service, STUDI Directorate.

5. Students undergoing economic assessments can follow the progress of their file through the dedicated portlet “Economic Assessments” available on the personal page of the Teaching Portal, “Online Services” section.
6. In case the outcome of the assessment is compliant, the student will be notified exclusively through the dedicated portlet “Economic Assessments” activated in the “Online Services” section of the personal page of the Teaching Portal Otherwise, if the outcome of the assessment is non-compliant the student/student receives communication:

  • via the appropriate portlet “Economic Assessments” activated in the “Online Secretariat” section of the personal page of the Portal of Didactics;
  • via e-mail on the institutional e-mail account. Communications sent by e-mail will contain all information regarding documentation, methods and timeframes with which to submit counterclaims.

For further information, interested parties can open a ticket with topic “Fees, economic benefits, grants, part-time collaborations and projects” > “Economic assessment.”

EDISU scholarships 2024/2025

Edisu Piemonte, i.e., the Regional Authority for the Right to University Study of the Piedmont Region, provides competitive benefits (such as scholarships and housing service) and services for the generality of students (such as food service at subsidized rates). Complete information and contacts are available on their website, which can be reached from the link below.

Previous academic years

Here you can find the guides and regulations of the previous academic years.