The results of the IELTS test of each date:
- are published on the IELTS website on the date indicated in the IELTS sessions calendar
- are NEVER released before that date
- the time of the publication depends exclusively on the Examination Board and it can be different for each date based on possible needs or problems encountered by the Examination Board.
Sometimes the IELTS results are not published on the exact scheduled date if:
- the Examination Board has any problems
- your test needs to be checked again
- you are suspected of misconduct during the test
- you have been selected by the Cambridge main centre for a sample check on your application.
Please carefully read the Terms and Conditions: you must accept them during the IELTS registration.
If you want to request an enquiry on results for one or more parts of the test, please contact the Examination Board at (payment is required).
More info about IELTS results at: To know before registering for the IELTS test page.
- After the IELTS results have been published on the IELTS website, for administrative reasons, Politecnico needs an appropriate amount of time in order to record these results in your transcript. In any case, the results are always recorded considering your academic deadlines
- the IELTS results are recorded automatically:
- on your transcript of records if your IELTS overall score is in line with the requirements – in this case the “English language exam I level” is graded with a “pass”*
- under your ”Personal details” – on your personal page of the Teaching Portal (Portale della Didattica) – “Online services” TAB – section “View your data and change your address” - if you are not required to pass an English language exam.
*Check the minimum score required by your degree programme in the relevant Student Guide, section Foreign Language Learning - English Language - first year of enrolment.
If you have any doubts, please send a ticket to the Student Careers Unit.
At the University Registrar and Tuition Fees Unit in Castelfidardo 39 – Cittadella Politecnica – ground floor.
- About ten days after the publication of the results
- without appointment in the University Registrar and Tuition Fees Unit opening times. You must take a number and wait for your turn
- you will receive a specific message into your Polito mailbox: it is not possible to collect the IELTS certificate before that
- there is no deadline for collecting your IELTS certificate.
Follow the instructions on the University Registrar and Tuition Fees Unit page.
- The original IELTS certificate in paper format is the only one Politecnico can provide you; no further copies will be provided after collecting your IELTS certificate
- paper-based IELTS test certificates cannot be produced in PDF format
- as per the IELTS regulations, neither IH Milano nor Politecnico di Torino are authorized to communicate the test results by email or other digital means of communication
- you can ask IH Milano to share your IELTS results with institutions that are allowed to consult test results on the IELTS platform. Write to indicating the name of the institution, the country and the department (if any) that you want to share your results with.