Applicants with a non-Italian qualification - Master's degree programmes





SELECT up to two different Master's degree programmes (in order of preference).


Applicants with a non-Italian qualification

In order to apply for admission to a Master's degree programme, you must:

  • have a Bachelor's degree (level 6 EQF) or an equivalent academic qualification (after at least 15 years of previous education: primary and secondary plus university, see below) corresponding to the Italian qualification Laurea, awarded by an accredited foreign university and giving access to second-cycle courses (level EQF 7)
    • applicants with an “equivalent academic qualification” are students enrolled in a foreign university in a 5 or 6-year degree programme - i.e. single cycle degree combining Bachelor's and Master's programme - who have not graduated yet but meet the minimum requirement of 15 years of global schooling (minimum 3 years at University level) and have earned at least 180 ECTS credits or equivalent (pre-university or preparatory years are not counted in the number of credits or years)
  • meet our curricular requirements and have an academic performance considered suitable for admission to the Master's degree programme you want to apply for. An Academic Commiteee will verify if your educational background is adequate and if the programmes you are applying for are consistent with your previous university path. Please check the REQUIREMENTS PER COURSE 24/25
  • meet our language requirements (see paragraph below)

In case of any doubt regarding the above requirements please contact us through Ticketing Service. 



Italian-taught programmes or partially in Italian/English

English level B2 or higher


Italian level B1 or higher 

English-taught programmes English level B2 or higher 


ITALIAN please refer to the following chart (click to open)
ENGLISH please refer to the following  chart (click to open)

* For TOEFL/TOEIC certifications, it is necessary to indicate the code C285 to share the results with the Politecnico di Torino. For Cambridge certifications, it is necessary to select the option to share the results with the Politecnico di Torino and indicate the Candidate's ID number (see LINK)


ITALIAN Politecnico also accepts certificates issued by Embassies, Italian Cultural Institutes, universities and Centri Provinciali per l’Istruzione degli Adulti (CPIA), upon completion of Italian language courses with a final exam (attendance certificates are not accepted). Italian language certificates must include the CEFR level of the course
You can be exempted from having the Italian language certificate if you are an Italian citizen resident in Italy

You can be exempted from having the Italian language certificate if upon enrolment you provide a stamped declaration/certificate written on official letter headed paper, which certifies that:

- you attended at least one school year at a high school in which the medium of instruction is Italian. In this case the school must issue a certificate stating that the medium of instruction is Italian;
- you have an Italian qualification (licenza elementare, licenza media, diploma di maturità or higher qualification)
- you have one of the qualifications included in the Procedures for entry, residency and enrolment of international students and the respective recognition of qualifications, for higher education courses in Italy - Attachment 2*– agreed upon with the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, of International Cooperation, and of the Interior” which indicates that the specific Italian language requirements are met

You can be exempted from having the Italian language certificate if you passed an AP, A-level or Advanced Higher Italian language course (for US, British or Scottish qualifications respectively). These levels are accepted in substitution for the Italian Language certificate (B1 level).
Applicants are required to meet the language requirements/substitutions stated in the calls for admissions/selection procedures in force when the admission process to Politecnico degree programmes began, regardless of any subsequent amendments to this table
ENGLISH IB Diploma (International Baccalaureate only in case the entire path is taught in English, except foreign languages
Educational qualifications awarded by the European schools included in the Procedures for entry, residency and enrolment of international students and the respective recognition of qualifications, for higher education courses in Italy - Attachment 2*, only if the first language (L1) is English

Non-Italian qualification recognized by the Italian Ministry of University and Research as equivalent to the Italian high school diploma (diploma di maturità), or university degree awarded by a school/university in which the medium of instruction is English and issued by USA, UK, Canada, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand, wherever the school/ university is located.

Non-Italian qualification recognized by the Italian Ministry of University and Research as equivalent to the Italian high school diploma (diploma di maturità), or university degree awarded by a school/university in which the medium of instruction is English, only if based in one of the countries listed in Attachment A


WARNING! If you need to apply for a Student Visa please also check the information on language certificates published in the pre-enrolment paragraph

After completing the procedure check the SAVE AND SUBMIT section. Please note that Politecnico di Torino will be able to process your application only if successfully submitted.

  • You are allowed to submit only one application (selecting maximum 2 Master's degree programmes) in one of the 2 available Calls.
  • In case you selected just one programme, you cannot add another programme after submitting your application.
  • You are NOT allowed to modify your application in any way after it has been submitted. For this reason, if you don't have all the necessary documents, we suggest you apply in the 2nd Call, rather than submitting an incomplete application.
  • Only complete applications with all the required documents, complying with the required format, can be considered for admission. It's your responsibility to submit a complete and accurate application.
  • Incomplete applications will be rejected and you won't be able to apply for any Call in the same academic year.
  • BE HONEST! If you give false, copied or incomplete information, you will be promptly rejected and lose any chance to get admitted. 

Enter your personal information exactly as presented in your passport. It may take you approximately 20 minutes to complete the application form. There is no time limit to fill it in and it can be completed in multiple sessions.

Log in to the application form with the username and password you received by email. If you don’t receive the email, please double-check in your junk folder

  • Passport *. Other I.D. are accepted only for EU nationals*
  • Residence permit* (only for non-EU citizens living in Italy)
  • Curriculum Vitae*
  • Bachelor's degree (level 6 EQF) OR official university document stating provisional date of graduation* (if not graduated yet)
  • Official Transcript of Records* 
  • Syllabus/Course description (check REQUIREMENTS PER COURSE 24/25 and see documents format and samples below)
  • Portfolio (check REQUIREMENTS PER COURSE 24/25 and see documents format below)
  • English/Italian Language Certificate* (check the dedicated paragraph above and REQUIREMENTS PER COURSE 24/25  ) 
  • Satement of Validity of Bachelor's degree or Statement of Comparability issued by the Italian ENIC-NARIC centre - CIMEA (if available, but compulsory for enrolment)
  • Self-certificate of enrolment in another Italian university (if currently enrolled) with exams passed
  • Other Document (max one)

(*): Compulsory document 


Documents must be on letterheaded paper, stamped and signed by the issuing Institution. Electronic-signed documents may be accepted only if  they can be verified online through a QR code or verification link.

Documents issued by the official Institution in Italian, English, French, Spanish are accepted. If your documents are issued in other languages, please merge together both the original version AND the official translation in Italian or English and attach the merged document.

  • Passport or other I.D.: I.D. is acceptable only in Latin alphabet, if not please provide official Italian/English translation 
  • Curriculum Vitae: any format you have is fine
  • Bachelor's degree certificate (level 6 EQF), if you have not graduated yet, please attach an official document issued by your current university stating provisional date of graduation or an updated version of your Transcript of Records
  • Transcript of records scanned front and back: it’s a document issued by your current university listing all the exams you have taken. It MUST also include info on the grading system (minimum and maximum grade, final grade, GPA/CGPA) and credit system.If your Transcript does not include such information, please attach an official declaration of your current university (Registrar Office) providing the required info. If you have not graduated yet, attach the most updated version.
  • Syllabus/Course description: it’s a document issued by the university that you have attended that describes in details the content of each subject you studied.  PDF-FORMAT syllabus downloadable from the official university website can be also accepted: in this case please make sure that the link works properly. Please note that we cannot accept links or documents downloaded directly from the website of the agency/ public authority in charge of accrediting courses and syllabuses (i.e. HEC in Pakistan).
  • Portfolio: it’s a document including samples of work from your Bachelor's degree. Please check specific requirements: 








  • English/Italian Language Certificate (check specific requirements for each programme ) or, in case of valid exemption, official statement issued by the school/university in which it is stated that the Medium of instruction is English. For TOEFL/TOEIC certifications, it is necessary to indicate the code C285 to share the results with the Politecnico di Torino. For Cambridge certifications, it is necessary to select the option to share the results with the Politecnico di Torino and indicate the Candidate's ID number (see LINK)
  • Statement of Validity or CIMEA's Statement of Comparability (see dedicated paragraph)
  • Other Document: any additional document that you think could help the Academic Committee to fully evaluate your profile as a potential student (recommendation or motivation letter, relevant training/ internship certificate or relevant work experience report, etc.)

NB: we don't require hard copies at this stage: you can directly upload the documents' files (pdf - recommended or jpeg, png) to your online application. You don't have to send any document by post. 

In case of any doubt regarding the above documents format please contact us through Ticketing Service. 


A.Y. 24/25

OPENING dd/mm/yyyy

CLOSING dd/mm/yyyy

RESULTS dd/mm/yyyy NOTES

1st CALL


at 14 Italian time



for all applicants with non-Italian educational qualification 

2nd CALL

07/03/2024 04/04/2024
at 14 Italian time


for all applicants with non-Italian educational qualification 

3rd CALL


tbd - November

tbd - December

tbd - January


Only for:
- all Engineering Master's degree programmes
- Master's degree programme in Systemic Design
- Master's degree programme in Territorial, urban, environmental and landscape planning
- Master's degree programme in Digital skills for sustainable societal transitions

Online pre-enrolment for visa applicants (see paragraph): 31/07/2024

PAY online the non-refundable application fee (€ 50) by credit card (VISA, MasterCard)

WARNING: To ensure you have ample time to submit the application after payment, we recommend making the payment well in advance of the deadline, avoiding last-minute actions

CONFIRM the SUBMISSION of your application by clicking the CONTINUE button.


After clicking the SUBMIT button of your online application, check the SAVE AND SUBMIT section to see that it is properly submitted and then wait for the evaluation


You can check your evaluation outcome under the  EVALUATION section of your APPLY personal page (the section will appear ONLY once the evaluation has been made). The Academic Commitee evaluates your application and your academic qualifications to verify if you meet our entry requirements in terms of academic performance and curricular requirements for the specific programme you have chosen.  Evaluation is done in two phases:

  1. Recruitment and Admissions Unit verifies if you meet the admission requirements and if you have attached all the required documents 

  2. the Academic Committee evaluates your academic performance and curricular requirements


At the end of the evaluation process, your application will be marked as:

  • Eligible: You are have been admitted to the programme you have chosen. Do not forget that you must present all the required academic documents in original upon enrolment.

  • Conditional offer of admission: You are eligible for admission to the programme you have chosen, but you still have to earn your Bachelor's degree.

  • Not eligible - you don't meet the admission requirements: your application didn't pass the 1st step of the evaluation process. Please note that you will not have the possibility to upload new documents or change the uploaded ones at this stage of the evaluation or in the next call during the same academic year. You can apply again next year.

  • Not eligible - you don't meet the curricular and/or academic requirements: the Academic Committee decided that you are not suitable for the academic programme you have chosen. Therefore, you cannot be admitted to  any Master's degree programme for this academic year. You can apply again next year.


If you are Eligible:

  • please download your Confirmation of Eligibility letter (available in the next weeks) directly from the MAIN section  of your Apply personal page. Please be aware that this offer is valid only for enrolment in the academic year you applied for; therefore it is not possible to defer your admission. 

  • if you are a Non-EU applicant living outside Italy, you can upload the Confirmation of Eligibility letter in your pre-enrolment application (see dedicated paragraph)

  • please confirm your intention to enrol in the programme you have chosen directly on your Apply personal page, under the MAIN section (available in the next weeks)

  • you don't have to send any document by post.

Further info about your admission will be published under the MAIN section of your APPLY personal page

Please read carefully the following relevant documents:

Guidelines for enrolment to Master degree programs

infographic to enrolment

Timeline to complete Online Enrolment - First Semester: from 11th July to September 27th, 2024

Deadline to complete Online Enrolment - Second semester: March 28th, 2024 please contact the Recruitment and Admissions Unit by Ticketing service


The following documents have to be uploaded in your Teaching Portal / Online Services / Attachments no later than 27thSeptember 2024 for enrolment in 1st semester.

WARNING: the deadline to upload study visa type D is 29th November 2024.

Documents verification will be completed no later than 11th November 2024.

  1. Passport (or I.D. for EU students)
  2. Residence permit for NON-EU citizens living in Italy
  3. Study visa – type D for NON-EU citizens not living in Italy
  4. Fiscal code certificate issued by Agenzia delle Entrate or by the Italian Embassies (certificate issued by Agenzia delle Entrate or by the Italian Embassies (only for citizens not living in Italy)
  5. Bachelor Degree (level 6 EQF) with official translation into Italian (translation is not necessary in case original certificates are in English, French, Spanish or if you hold the Diploma Supplement). If you were enrolled in a single cycle Laurea magistrale course (5 or 6 years degree program) and you have not graduated yet: Transcript of Records at least of the first 3 academic years (in case of high school diploma got after 11 years, Transcript of Records of the first 4 academic years)
  6. Transcript of Records with official translation into Italian (translation is not necessary in case original certificates are in English, French, Spanish)
  7. Declaration of Value (Dichiarazione di Valore, see paragraph below) of Bachelor Degree issued by the Italian Embassy in the country that issued your degree or Statement of Comparability issued by CIMEA centre or others ENIC-NARIC centers, or Diploma Supplement. The so called “Attestato di Corrispondenza” (Certificate of Correspondence) obtained on the ARDI platform substitutes the Statement of Comparability issued by CIMEA. In any case, please note that the correspondence provided by ARDI is based on a standard foreign qualification system and not on specific cases. For this reason, Politecnico reserves itself the right to ask the applicant additional documents for the verification of his/her non-Italian qualification (e.g. Statement of Verification issued by Cimea) therefore Statement of Verification issued by Cimea is strongly recommended to streamline the evaluation procedures
  8. Italian and/or English Language certificate required for admission

We remind you that Politecnico di Torino is entitled to request students to show their original documents to the office front desk at any time.


The translation into Italian, whether it’s required, must be "official”: this means that it has to be certified by the Italian Embassy in your country or it must be “sworn” by an Italian Tribunal.

As for legalisation of documents please refer to this link


Non-EU applicants living outside Italy and applying for a visa must submit the pre-enrolment application for the STUDY VISA/UNIVERSITY ENROLLMENT exclusively through the UNIVERSITALY portal. Check here to see if you fall into this category.

Register at Universitaly portal following the instructions below:

  • enter your personal information exactly as in your passport.In case you don’t have last name and/or first name you can repeat it in both spaces.
  • enter the Politecnico di Torino Username (FXXXXXX) in step B
  • select the program you have been admitted to (Warning: you may not find the English taught program in the Universitaly menu. Please only consider the language of instruction listed in the official academic offer)
  • Attach the documents listed here (DOCUMENTS paragraph in this page) and check with the diplomatic-consular Missions of reference if other documents are required.

The Declaration of Value/ CIMEA Statement of Comparability/Verification is not necessary at this stage but the diplomatic-consular Missions may need it for the visa application. To learn about CIMEA services for certification and verification of qualifications and request a Statement of Comparability/Verification please register on

Please be accurate in filling in the pre-enrolment application so that we can speed up the validation procedure.


The deadline to submit your Universitaly application is 31st July 2024 but it is strongly recommended to submit it as soon as you know you have been admitted.


Politecnico di Torino will validate your pre-enrolment application ONLY IF:

  1. you are ELIGIBLE for the Master's degree programme you have selected as explained here
  2. you earned the Bachelor's degree required for admission, uploaded it in the Universitaly application (a certificate of completion is also accepted) and edited the university career section to indicate you obtained the degree.

⇒ We kindly ask you not to submit tickets to request validation.


Once the pre-enrolment application is validated by PoliTO you will promptly need to apply for a visa for study/university enrollment purposes at the relevant diplomatic-consular representation." (part II English version available soon). Please note that Unitalia Association can assist you in the pre-enrolment and visa application process, you may refer to Uni-Italia Center in your country if available.

Requirements for visa release (such as language requirements) at the Italian Embassy in your country might differ from PoliTO’s requirements. It is your responsibility to comply with both the Embassy and PoliTO’s requirements.

In case your study visa is denied, you cannot complete the enrolment procedure at Politecnico di Torino.


  • the pre-enrollment application is the first step for the issuing of study visa type-D.
  • the “Confirmation of eligibility letter” given by Politecnico does not replace in any case the official pre-enrolment procedure which must be done only through the UNIVERSITALY portal
  • the preliminary acceptance by the university does not confer any right to obtain a visa
  • the subsequent pre-enrolment phases will be completed at the Diplomatic-consular missions for the purpose of obtaining the visa

Our welcome program includes activities and initiatives aimed at facilitating your arrival and stay in Torino, providing necessary information, and foster a sense of belonging. By embracing diversity and creating an inclusive environment, we encourage cultural exchange, enhance global perspectives, and enrich the overall educational experience for both international and national students.

Info for 24/25 will be published soon


The Statement of Validity (SoV) is a document of transparency, written in Italian, that gives information on a specific qualification earned abroad and on its value in the issuing Country (the official character or otherwise of the issuing institution, requirements for admission to the relevant study course, duration of the porgramme, etc.). Such a Statement is produced by the foreign Italian diplomatic authorities (Embassies, Consulates) of territorial reference: territorial reference is defined as the Italian diplomatic authority closest to the city where the institution that awarded the qualification is located. All the documents to be presented in order to obtain the Statement of Validity must be requested at the relevant Italian diplomatic authority f(Embassies/Consulates).

CIMEA – "Diplome" service

Politecnico di Torino is partner of CIMEA - the official Italian ENIC-NARIC Centre. CIMEA uses the "Diplome" service to issue its Statement of Comparability and/or Statement of Verification making use of blockchain technology applied to the recognition of qualifications.

By Comparability we mean the identification of the level of the foreign degree with reference to the cycles of the Bologna Process and the levels of the European Qualifications Framework.

Through the Verification service CIMEA certifies that an Italian or foreign qualification of the Higher Education or secondary school system has actually been issued to the owner by an official body in the system of reference. In the case of positive feedback, CIMEA issued a Statement of Verification referring to the qualification which has been verified.

CIMEA's Statement of Comparability/Verification is uploaded to the digital "Wallet" of qualifications through the use of blockchain technology, thereby making this digital document transparent, transferable, certified and unchangeable. To learn about the details of the service and check

N.B.: For qualifications for which the Certificate of Correspondence is available in the ARDI database, this certificate replaces the CIMEA Statement of Comparability. However, the correspondence assessment provided in ARDI is based on the foreign qualification as a whole and not on individual and specific cases. The university reserves the right to request additional documentation to support the regular procedures for verifying foreign qualifications.


European Countries that have adhered to the “Bologna Process” have also committed to produce, alongside their own higher education qualifications, an extra document known as Diploma Supplement (DS). The DS is not a further qualification, but a particular certification produced following a template which was agreed upon by the three principal international organizations of European breadth (The Council of Europe, UNESCO – Europe region, European Union). The European DS model envisages that it be drafted in two or more languages (the national language of the Country in question and at least one commonly-spoken foreign language, such as English). It provides a list of very detailed information. The information is grouped into 8 categories, which run from the personal details of the qualification holder, to the level of the qualification itself, the curriculum (list of subjects and, if possible, the main contents), the rights it bestows (utilization for further studies or in the workplace), to the type of issuing institution, and an abbreviated description of the higher education system it belongs to.

 In case of issues with documents and/or required format, please contact Recruitment and Admissions Unit through the Ticketing System