Applicants with a non-Italian qualification
In order to apply for admission to a Master's degree programme, you must:
- have a Bachelor's degree (level 6 EQF) or an equivalent academic qualification (after at least 15 years of previous education: primary and secondary plus university, see below) corresponding to the Italian qualification Laurea, awarded by an accredited foreign university and giving access to second-cycle courses (level EQF 7)
- applicants with an “equivalent academic qualification” are students enrolled in a foreign university in a 5 or 6-year degree programme - i.e. single cycle degree combining Bachelor's and Master's programme - who have not graduated yet but meet the minimum requirement of 15 years of global schooling (minimum 3 years at University level) and have earned at least 180 ECTS credits or equivalent (pre-university or preparatory years are not counted in the number of credits or years)
- meet our curricular requirements and have an academic performance considered suitable for admission to the Master's degree programme you want to apply for. An Academic Commiteee will verify if your educational background is adequate and if the programmes you are applying for are consistent with your previous university path. Please check the REQUIREMENTS PER COURSE 24/25
- meet our language requirements (see paragraph below)
In case of any doubt regarding the above requirements please contact us through Ticketing Service.
Applicants with a non-Italian qualification
In order to apply for admission to a Master's degree programme, you must:
- have a Bachelor's degree (level 6 EQF) or an equivalent academic qualification (see below) awarded by an accredited foreign university after at least 15 years of previous education (primary and secondary plus university).
Applicants with an “equivalent academic qualification” are students enrolled in a foreign university in 5 or 6-year degree programme - i.e. single cycle degree combining Bachelor's and Master's programme - who have not graduated yet but meet the minimum requirement of 15 years of global schooling (minimum 3 years at University level) and have earned at least 180 ECTS credits or equivalent (pre-university or preparatory years are not counted in the number of credits or years)
- meet our curricular requirements and have an academic performance considered suitable for admission to the Master's degree programme you want to apply for. An Academic Commiteee will verify if your educational background is adqueate and if the programmes you are applying for are consistent with your previous university path. Please check the requirements for each program (144.50 kB).
- meet our language requirements