Did you know that those who take a curricular internship during their studies have almost a 7 percent better chance of finding a job one year after graduation? (source Almalaurea)
When the curriculum of a degree programme includes a compulsory internship, this is known as curricular internship. When students do a curricular internship, they earn credits (CFU).
Starting from the a.y. 2023/2024, students enrolled in the Professional Bachelor's Degree Programme "Manufacturing industry technologies" will activate a new type of internship, called "pratico valutativo", with the same methods and in compliance with the same rules as for the traditional curricular internship in Italy.
Information about the thesis in an institution/company are available on the STUDENT GUIDE - Bachelor's/Master's Degree Final Examination section - Final project in an institution/company (bachelor) or Thesis application - Thesis application in an institution/company (master). For further information contact the Career Unit via ticket.
Students | Curricular (gives Credits) | It depends on the number of credits you have in your Study Plan | It depends on the degree programme | Not compulsory* |
*Any kind of remuneration in the form of expense reimbursements, meal vouchers, scholarships, use of the company canteen is left to the discretion of the company/institution.
The Host Company/Institution is required to observe the following proportions of employees and interns:
N° employees with permanent job | N° interns (max) |
From 0 to 5 | One |
From 6 to 19 | Two |
From 20 | 10% of employees** |
**the 10% limit is calculated rounded up to the next numerical unit (e.g. 108 employees=11 trainees).
Curricular internships and extra-curricular internships can be combined.
The University Regulations for the conduct of curricular and practical work experience placements can be found HERE
All internship announcements received by Politecnico from companies or organizations are published on your personal page of the Teaching Portal – “Internship” tab - depending on the degree programme you are enrolled in.
You can apply for an internship vacancy directly from your personal page of the Teaching Portal or - if required by the employer – you can send an e-mail to the company address that you will find in the announcement. Companies and Institutions will contact the candidates who meet their requirements to start the selection process.
When you apply for an internship, you agree to automatically share your PoliTo CV. For this reason we suggest you fill it out and update it periodically.
At the bottom of the “Internship” page, you will find the list of partner companies/institutions which have hosted interns from your degree programme in the last three years. If you are interested in a specific company, we suggest you send your application thought the company official website or Linkedin.
Alternatively, you can search for a host company/institution or ask the Internship Coordinator (referente tirocini) of your degree programme and/or other professors if they know any company/institution willing to host an intern or if there are any internship opportunities within Politecnico.
After identifying your host company, it will be necessary to follow the procedures established by the university for the activation of the internship.
The Job Placement Office organizes online webinars that allow you to learn more about some useful aspects to know before the internship begins: what an internship is and how it works and why and with what goal you should do it.
During the webinars, it will be explained how to look for an internship, what opportunities the University offers, what are the procedures involved in starting, carrying out and ending the activity, the differences between an internship in Italy or abroad, the differences between an internship and a thesis in a company/institution, and other useful tips to best deal with this first on-the-job experience.
Targeted students,those close to the period scheduled for the internship by each study course, will receive an invitation to participate on their institutional mailbox.
The next meetings are being planned.

If you are a student, you can contact the Job Placement Office by opening a TICKET (Mon. - Fri.) on your personal page of the Teaching Portal, "Tirocini e Career Services" section.
Emails sent by students to tirocini@polito.it will not be taken into consideration. Sending a ticket is mandatory!
WARNING: for questions relating to the internship or to the thesis in an Institution/Company but which concern the study plan and its modification, the deadlines for graduating or those relating to the payment of fees, the request for certificates, information on mobility programma and residency permit, please contact the competent offices (Students Office, Tution Fees Office and General Secretariat, International Mobility Office and Immigration Help Desk).