The Progetto Formativo (Training Project) is a document that the intern must fill out online and that it must be appovated BEFORE the beginning of the internship.
It includes the following information:
- your personal data;
- information on your Host Company/Institution and contact details of your Company/Institution Tutor (the person chosen to assist and guide you during your internship);
- contact details of your Academic Tutor, a PoliTO faculty member chosen by you or automatically assigned to you, depending on the rules of your degree programme. Your Academic Tutor is in charge of verifying that the contents and activities carried out during your internship actually match those declared by the Host Company/Institution;
- internship dates. We need this information to provide appropriate insurance coverage;
- expected training outcomes and contents of your internship.
How to fill out your Progetto Formativo:
- log in to your personal page of the Teaching Portal using your access credentials (Login);
- select the STAGE tab and click “New Progetto Formativo”;
- enter the company/institution name in the “Company/Institution name” field: if you find the company/institution in the drop-down list, it means that it has an agreement with Politecnico. In this case, you can continue filling in your Progetto Formativo;
- if the company/institution is not included in the drop-down list, go to “Convenzione di Tirocinio” and follow the procedure. Then go to the next step;
- fill out your Progetto Formativo in detail; if you do not have some information, ask your Company/Institution Tutor or your Academic Tutor;
- click “SAVE AND SUBMIT FOR APPROVAL”. Your Project will be assessed in this order by:
- your Company/Institution Tutor, who receives an e-mail with a link to a page where he can accept or reject your Project. It is therefore important to enter the correct email address;
- your Academic Tutor, who can approve or reject your project from his/her personal page, and/or by the Internship Coordinator of your degree programme, who approves and VALIDATES your Project.
These approvals are given online. Hard copies of these documents and signatures are not required; - after the validation of your Progetto Formativo, the Host Company/Institution can see it from its private area of the portal. You can also download a pdf version of this document and send it to the Company, if needed.
WARNING: make sure you have entered the data, previously agreed with the company/institution, correctly. Once saved and sent for approval, the project will no longer be editable.
TEMPLATE of a curricular Progetto Formativo
Internal internships
If the internship is to be activated at the University (offices, departments, interdepartmental centers and laboratories), it is necessary to include Politecnico di Torino as the Host Institution, as well as the Promoter, specifying the facility, with its address, in the section of the training project dedicated to the operational location of the internship.
The possibility of carrying out an internal curricular internship depends on what is defined by each study course and is specified in the guidelines in the Student Guide, Internship section.