Curricular Internships in Italy


Curricular internships have different procedures and award criteria depending on the degree programme in which you are enrolled. Each internship credit corresponds to 25 hours of activity at the host organization.

The mandatory documents required for curricular internships are:

  1. Convenzione di Tirocinio (Internship Agreement) between Politecnico di Torino and the Host Company/Institution (to learn more about it, read the section below "Convenzione di Tirocinio"); 
  2. Progetto Formativo (Training Project) that you need to fill out after the Convenzione di Tirocinio has been signed (to learn more about it, read the section below "Progetto Formativo").

This page contains documents and general rules.

The specific guidelines for each degree programme are available on the STUDENT GUIDE (english version under construction), INTERNSHIP section:

The Convenzione is an official agreement made between Politecnico di Torino and your Host Company/Institution . It must be signed BEFORE you start your internship. 

To find out if a company/institution has already entered into an agreement with Politecnico di Torino, you can:  

  • type the company/institution name in the “Company/Institution name” field when you fill out your Progetto Formativo. If you find the company/institution in the drop-down list, it means that it has an agreement with Politecnico. In this case, you can continue filling out your Progetto Formativo;   
  • open a ticket with main topic “Internship and Career Services” -  Curricular internship – Internship agreement.

If a company/institution does not have an agreement with Politecnico di Torino, please inform them that they need to follow the procedure below:   

  • Italian companies/institutions must register on Politecnico WEBSITE. Please note that it is their responsibility to register on our website, not yours;
  • after registration, the company/institution will receive its access credentials to log in to our platform (private area). From this page, the company can fill out a form to request to enter into an Agreement for Curricular Internships with Politecnico di Torino;
  • the system will generate the Internship Agreement. The company/institution must sign (digitally) and uploaded within the appropriate section in the corporate area (detailed instructions in the process). The Agreement is subject to revenue stamp tax according to DPR n. 642/1972. The tax (€ 16.00 revenue stamp - to be paid by the employer except in cases of exemptions provided for by the regulations in force)) may be paid through the application of a paper mark visible on the document and kept at the office of the employer or, alternatively, through the payment of a telematic mark indicating its details.

There is an automatic procedure for recovering lost credentials by clicking HERE.

In case you have not yet registered, you can do so at this LINK.

An agreement enters into force after it has been signed by Politecnico di Torino.

TEMPLATE for Convenzione per tirocini curriculari e pratico valutativi

The Progetto Formativo (Training Project) is a document that the intern must fill out online and that it must be appovated BEFORE the beginning of the internship. 

It includes the following information:  

  • your personal data; 
  • information on your Host Company/Institution and contact details of your Company/Institution Tutor (the person chosen to assist and guide you during your internship);
  • contact details of your Academic Tutor, a PoliTO faculty member chosen by you or automatically assigned to you, depending on the rules of your degree programme. Your Academic Tutor is in charge of verifying that the contents and activities carried out during your internship actually match those declared by the Host Company/Institution;
  • internship dates. We need this information to provide appropriate insurance coverage;  
  • expected training outcomes and contents of your internship.

How to fill out your Progetto Formativo:  

  • log in to your personal page of the Teaching Portal using your access credentials (Login);
  • select the STAGE tab and click “New Progetto Formativo”;
  • enter the company/institution name in the “Company/Institution name” field: if you find the company/institution in the drop-down list, it means that it has an agreement with Politecnico. In this case, you can continue filling in your Progetto Formativo;
  • if the company/institution is not included in the drop-down list, go to  “Convenzione di Tirocinio” and follow the procedure. Then go to the next step;
  • fill out your Progetto Formativo in detail; if you do not have some information, ask your Company/Institution Tutor or your Academic Tutor;
  • click “SAVE AND SUBMIT FOR APPROVAL”. Your Project will be assessed in this order by:
    - your Company/Institution Tutor, who receives an e-mail with a link to a page where he can accept or reject your Project. It is therefore important to enter the correct email address;
    - your Academic Tutor, who can approve or reject your project from his/her personal page, and/or by the Internship Coordinator of your degree programme, who approves and VALIDATES your Project.
    These approvals are given online. Hard copies of these documents and signatures are not required;
  • after the validation of your Progetto Formativo, the Host Company/Institution can see it from its private area of the portal. You can also download a pdf version of this document and send it to the Company, if needed.

WARNING: make sure you have entered the data, previously agreed with the company/institution, correctly. Once saved and sent for approval, the project will no longer be editable.

TEMPLATE of a curricular Progetto Formativo


Internal internships

If the internship is to be activated at the University (offices, departments, interdepartmental centers and laboratories), it is necessary to include Politecnico di Torino as the Host Institution, as well as the Promoter, specifying the facility, with its address, in the section of the training project dedicated to the operational location of the internship.

The possibility of carrying out an internal curricular internship depends on what is defined by each study course and is specified in the guidelines in the Student Guide, Internship section.

Internships have a given duration (hours) and provide a certain number of credits as specified in your Annual Personal Study Plan (1 credit = 25 hours). You can extend the duration of your internship (number of hours) by selecting one of the options available in the field “Expected no. of hours” (150 hour slots). You can only do this operation before the beginning of your internship and not while you are doing it. In any case, you cannot do more than 900 hours (the number of hours that can be selected depends on your study course).
Any request to extend the duration of an internship must be decided together with the Host Company/Institution. It MUST also be approved by a PoliTO faculty member (your academic tutor or the Internship Coordinator for your degree programme) who may reject your proposal. In this case, you need to make a new proposal and fill out a new Progetto Formativo. If your Progetto Formativo is approved, it means that the extension of your internship and the extra hours have been accepted too. At the end of an internship with extended duration, you will see that the internship is recorded in your transcript as follows: INTERNSHIP with standard hours/credits in accordance with the rules of  your degree programme (i.e. 6 credits/150 hours) plus the annotation “curricular internship extension” with your extra hours/credits. These credits will be recorded in your transcript as credit overload (they do not count towards the 120-credits threshold required for Master’s graduation).     

ATTENTION: once the extension is entered, it will be mandatory to complete all hours, including the extension, in order to register the internship in career.

After starting your internship:

  • you must fill out your online timesheet, section "Stage" of the portal in correspondence with the agreement, for each day of of internship indicating the activity performed. After 6 hours of work, it is mandatory to take a lunch break of at least 30 min;
  • any variations from what is defined in the training project must be communicated to the university:
    - extensions are only possible in order to reach the total number of hours foreseen by the training project and do not have to be communicated. The additional period is to be indicated directly on the timesheet and the last day shown on the timesheet will be the actual end date, which is therefore only assumed when the training project is compiled and approved;
    - transfers: day, time and location of the same must be indicated on the timesheet in order to ensure insurance coverage;
    - further changes (company tutor, academic tutor and prevailing location) must be communicated by email to by the host institution.

At the end of the internship:

  • both the intern and the company/institution tutor will be asked to fill in an online questionnaire (mandatory for the intern - section "Attachement/Registration request" and optional for the tutor who will receive a link by email about one week before the supposed end date indicated on the training project or the real end date if earlier);
  • you will be required to submit your timesheet to your company/institution tutor for online approval (section "Attachement/Registration request");
  • after your timesheet has been approved by the company tutor, upload on the procedure the report that may be required by your degree programme and send it for the approval of your academic tutor and/or Internship Coordinator with the timesheet (click the button at the bottom of the page). If the report is not provided for by the study course or is at the discretion of the academic tutor, the procedure will allow the documentation to be sent for approval even without having uploaded it;
  • the Internship Coordinator and/or the academic tutor are responsible for the registration of your  internship in your transcript.