Certificates and other documents

Opening time: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 09:00 am - 12:30 pm


In compliance with the Stability Act (entered into force in Italy on 1st January 2012), certificates and affidavits can always be replaced by self-declarations made by individuals (Articles 46 and 47 of Presidential Decree No. 445/2000) who need to present these documents to the Public Administration and the authorities managing public services. The Public administration is bound to accept these self-declarations, reserving itself the right to conduct verifications and check the truthfulness of their contents.

How to make a self-certificate

  • Log in to your personal page of the Teaching Portal, select the Online Services tab, portlet Certificates - Print self-certificate;
  • To create a self-certificate drag and drop the information available in the left menu. Print the document, sign it and it is ready;
  • If you need to create a self-certificate related to a university programme which you already completed,  select the student number of the career you need from the drop-down menu;
  • If for any reason you cannot print your self-certificate from the portal, you can use this template: Fac simile dichiarazione sostitutiva;
  • If you forgot your access credentials for the Portal, please send a ticket as a guest (by clicking on the box "external user") that you can find at the Contact page and select:
    1. the topic Forgot password; 
    2. fill in your request and attach a scanned copy of your valid identification document.

It is possible to get certificates in Italian language or self-certifications from the personal page of the Teaching Portal: section Online Services - portlet Certificates. 

If you forgot your access credentials for the Portal, please send a ticket as a guest (by clicking on the box "external user") that you can find at the Contact page and select:

  1. the topic Forgot password; 
  2. fill in your request and attach a scanned copy of your valid identification document.

 In this way you will receive your username and password for the Portal. 

Please note: certificates for Italian scholarship purposes do not need any revenue stamp. You can ask for these certificates by ticket. In any case the scholarship call for applications must be shown also via ticket. 



Guidelines for generating certificates via online procedure (written in Italian and valid in Italy only)

Log in to your personal page of the Teaching Portal and select: Online Services, tab - Certificates, portlet –Print certificates. Please note that these certificates are written in Italian only and bear the phrase “Firma omessa ai sensi del D.Lgs. n.39 del 12/2/1993 art.3” (signature is omitted in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 39 of 12/02/1993, art. 3).

Step 1 - Preparing your certificate:choose which information you want to include in your certificate from the left menu. Compulsory information (such as personal data and the “omitted signature” phrase) are automatically included by the system and cannot be removed.  

Step 2 – Print preview and number of revenue stamp needed: You can generate a print preview of your certificate at any time. Please note that after clicking the "Print" button, you will no longer be able to modify your certificate. We recommend you carefully check the certificate to find out how many revenue stamps you need. 

Step 3 - Printing your certificate: During this last phase, you must enter the 14-digit code that you can find on the revenue stamp (that has to be purchased before you print your certificate).  After printing your certificate, you need to stick the revenue stamp in the dedicated box on the top right side corner of the page. The code of the revenue stamp must correspond to the code shown on the certificate. We remind you that a certificate without revenue stamps is void. For this reason, the certificate bears the phrase:  “Il presente certificato non è valido se privo della marca da bollo. N. marca da bollo: xxxxxxxxxxxx" (this certificate is not valid without the revenue stamp. Revenue stamp code: xxxxxxxxxxxx).



Guidelines for generating certificates in English and/or valid abroad (bearing a handwritten signature)

1. Go to the Registrar's Office in person, with

  • your identification document;
  • one revenue stamp (16,00 €) for each certificate you need. Therefore, we reccomend you to carefully check, from the online procedure, the certificate composition in order to determine how many revenue stamps you need.

2. Authorize a trusted person (proxy) to collect your certificate on your behalf with:

  • his/her own identification document;
  • a photocopy of your identification document;
  • the certificate Request Form (a 16,00 € revenue stamp must be applied on it) duly filled in with the proxy details and signed by the authorizing person;
  • one revenue stamp (16,00 €) for each certificate you need.

3. Receiving an electronic certificate by ticket 

  • you have to pay the amount of one revenue stamp of 16,00 € for each certificate that you need: you have to choose "Quick payment" in the box "Tuition fees and payments" link "Pay your Tuition fees";
  • you have to fill and sign the certificate request form and send it in attachment to a ticket: you have to specify that the amount is available in your student account. Please do not stick the 16€ revenue stamp on the certificate request form.
  • we will send you the scan of the certificate in .pdf format, valid for all legal purposes (the document will have a virtual revenue stamp).

4. Receiving a certificate by post If you want to receive a certificate by post, send a ticket from your personal page, select the topic CERTIFICATES/SELF-CERTIFICATES/OTHER DOCUMENTS (STUDENTS/GRADUATES)" and attach the following documents: 

  • certificate request form (please do not stick the 16€ revenue stamp on the certificate request form);
  • a photocopy of your identification document;
  • a photocopy of your payment receipt (bank transfer) registered to:

Politecnico di Torino

presso Unicredit Banca S.p.A. Via d'Ovidio, 5 10129 Torino (TO) Italy 

IBAN: IT 51 N 02008 01160 000002551101 

SWIFT/BIC: UNCRITM1AG0 (the last digit is a zero) 

Payment description: richiesta di spedizione certificati.

The bank transfer amount must include the cost of the revenue stamps of 16,00 € each (one revenue stamp for the Certificate Request Form, plus one revenue stamp for each certificate you need) and the shipping costs. Bank charges are at your own cost.

Registered mail (raccomandata) shipping rate to foreign countries Insured mail (assicurata) shipping rate within italy:
9,00 € for posting one certificate 5,80 €  for posting one certificate
14,50 € for posting more than one certificate (up to a maximum weight of 100 gr.) 10,00 €  for posting more than one certificate (up to a maximum weight of 100 gr.)

Example: if you intend to request the shipment of a certificate in Italy, the bank transfer amount must be of 37,80 €, while if you intend to request the shipment of a certificate abroad,  the bank transfer amount must be of  41,00 €.

Please note that after submitting the documentation required through the ticketing service, your shipment will be processed in one week approximately. You need to wait for the Italian post office delivery times. In order to get more information about standard delivery times to foreign countries (if available) you can contact the Customer Service of the Italian post office.



Guidelines for generating "particular" certificates 

If you require particular certificates with entries not included in the certificate Request Form, you must follow these steps: 

  • send a ticket from your personal page, select the topic CERTIFICATES/SELF CERTIFICATES/OTHER DOCUMENTS (STUDENTS/GRADUATES)", specify the extra information to be put in the certificate;
  • fill in the the certificate Request Form: Please write in the "Other" section what type of information to be put in the certificate (i.e. current average of the exam; the dates of the beginning and the end of the academic year)
  • submit the request in one of the following ways:

1. Go to the Registrar's Office in person, with

  • your identification document;
  • one revenue stamp (16,00 €) for each certificate you need. Therefore, we reccomend you to carefully check, from the online procedure, the certificate composition in order to determine how many revenue stamps you need;
  • one revenue stamp (16,00 €) for the certificate Request Form.

2. Authorize a trusted person (proxy) to collect your certificate on your behalf with:

  • his/her own identification document;
  • a photocopy of your identification document;
  • the certificate Request Form (a 16,00 € revenue stamp must be applied on it) duly filled in with the proxy details and signed by the authorizing person;
  • one revenue stamp (16,00 €) for each certificate you need.

3. Receiving an electronic particular certificate by ticket 

  • you have to pay the amount of one revenue stamp of 16,00 € for the certificate Request Form + one revenue stamp of 16,00 € for each certificate that you need: you have to choose "Quick payment" in the box "Tuition fees and payments" link "Pay your Tuition fees";
  • you have to fill and sign the certificate request form and send it in attachment to a ticket: you have to specify that the amount is available in your student account. Please do not stick the 16€ revenue stamp on the certificate request form.
  • we will send you the scan of the certificate in .pdf format, valid for all legal purposes (the document will have a virtual revenue stamp).

4. Receiving a particular certificate by post: If you want to receive a certificate by post, send a ticket from your personal page, select the topic CERTIFICATES/SELF-CERTIFICATES/OTHER DOCUMENTS (STUDENTS/GRADUATES)" and attach the following documents: 

  • certificate request form (please do not stick the 16€ revenue stamp on the certificate request form);
  • a photocopy of your identification document;
  • a photocopy of your payment receipt (bank transfer) registered to:

Politecnico di Torino

presso Unicredit Banca S.p.A. Via d'Ovidio, 5 10129 Torino (TO) Italy 

IBAN: IT 51 N 02008 01160 000002551101 

SWIFT/BIC: UNCRITM1AG0 (the last digit is a zero) 

Payment description: richiesta di spedizione certificati.

The bank transfer amount must include the cost of the revenue stamps of 16,00 € each (one revenue stamp for the Certificate Request Form, plus one revenue stamp for each certificate you need) and the shipping costs. Bank charges are at your own cost.

Registered mail (raccomandata) shipping rate to foreign countries Insured mail (assicurata) shipping rate within italy:
9,00 € for posting one certificate 5,80 €  for posting one certificate
14,50 € for posting more than one certificate (up to a maximum weight of 100 gr.) 10,00 €  for posting more than one certificate (up to a maximum weight of 100 gr.)


These certificates are not issued right away. You will have to wait about 3-4 working days. 

In order to get the list of your transactions (tuition fees you already paid and student benefits you might have received) you can generate: 

A self-certification: 

  • log in to your personal page of the Teaching Portal, select the Online Services tab, portlet  Certificates - Print your virtual account transactions.

A statement of account:

  • Go to the Office of the University Registrar in person with a 2,00 € revenue stamp;
  • Authorize a trusted person (proxy) to go to the Office of the University Registrar on your behalf with:
  1. signed authorization letter on paper or via ticket;
  2. a photocopy of your identification document;
  3. his/her own identification document;
  4. 2,00 € revenue stamp. 
  • Ask to send an electronic statement of account by ticket:
  1. you have to pay the amount of one revenue stamp of 2,00 € for each document that you need: you have to choose "Quick payment" in the box "Tuition fees and payments" link "Pay your Tuition fees";
  2. you have to fill and sign the request form and send it in attachment to a ticket: you have to specify that the amount of the revenue stamp is available in your student account.
  3. we will send you the scan of the statement of account in .pdf format, valid for all legal purposes (the document will have a virtual revenue stamp).
  • Ask the University to send you your statement of account by post.  You have to send to Politecnico di Torino – Area Gestione Didattica – Segreteria Generale Studenti - C.so Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino: 
  1. request form duly filled in;
  2. photocopy of your identification document;
  3. 2,00 € revenue stamp;
  4. a post stamp for the postage. 

How to collect your degree parchment, PhD parchments or parchments of Scuola BAP

*PLEASE NOTE: the parchment is available only when the "student condition" is "GRADUATED", "PhD EARNED" or "3rd LEVEL SPECIALIZATION DIPLOMA OBTAINED" and only after the proclamation ceremony.

If you still have not collected your original parchment, you can:

  • go to the Office of the University Registrar (ground floor, Cittadella Politecnica) with your identification document. The Office will instantly issue your degree parchment;
  • authorize a trusted person (proxy) to go the Office of the University Registrar on your behalf. Your proxy will have to show: 
    • a copy of your identification document;
    • his/her own identification document;
    • an authorization letter(produced on non-stamped paper).
  • ask the University to send you your degree parchment rolled in a cardboard tube by post (with Poste Italiane registered shipping) by sending a ticket from your personal page by attaching: 
    • the original certificate shipping request form;
    • a photocopy of your payment receipt (bank transfer) of € 31,00  (including € 15,00 for the shipping cost and € 16,00 for the revenue stamp) registered to:

Politecnico di Torino

presso Unicredit Banca S.p.A. Via d'Ovidio, 5 -10129 - Torino (TO) Italy

IBAN: IT 51 N 02008 01160 000002551101SWIFT/BIC: UNCRITM1AG0 (the last digit is zero)

Payment description: richiesta spedizione attestato di Laurea / Laurea Magistrale/ Dottorato/ Scuola di specializzazione


  • ask the University to send you your degree parchment in the blue cover with DHL Express courier by sending ticket in order to get the correct amount of your shipment and then it is necessary to attach:

Politecnico di Torino

presso Unicredit Banca S.p.A. Via d'Ovidio, 5 -10129 - Torino (TO) Italy

IBAN: IT 51 N 02008 01160 000002551101SWIFT/BIC: UNCRITM1AG0 (the last digit is zero)

Payment description: richiesta spedizione attestato di Laurea / Laurea Magistrale/ Dottorato/ Scuola di specializzazione

*SHIPPING COSTS change depending on the Country. 

For more information about your professional license diploma, please read the section Esame di stato/State examination for professional practice



How to collect your professional license diplomas, IELTS or high school diploma (only for students enrolled before the academic year 1999-2000)

If you still have not collected your original diplomas may proceed in one of the following ways:

  • go to the Office of the University Registrar (ground floor, Cittadella Politecnica) with your identification document. The Office will instantly issue your degree parchment;
  • authorize a trusted person (proxy)to go the Office of the University Registrar on your behalf. Your proxy will have to show: 
    • a copy of your identification document;
    • his/her own identification document;
    • an authorization letter(produced on non-stamped paper).
  • ask the University to send you your degree parchment rolled in a cardboard tube by post (with Poste Italiane registered shipping) by sending a ticket from your personal page by attaching: 
    • the original certificate shipping request form;
    • a photocopy of your payment receipt (bank transfer) of € 31,00  (including € 15,00 for the shipping cost and € 16,00 for the revenue stamp) registered to:

Politecnico di Torino

presso Unicredit Banca S.p.A. Via d'Ovidio, 5 -10129 - Torino (TO) Italy

IBAN: IT 51 N 02008 01160 000002551101SWIFT/BIC: UNCRITM1AG0 (the last digit is zero)

Payment description: richiesta spedizione attestato di abilitazione / IELTS / Diploma di maturità




How to request the replacements

You can get a replacement degree parchment or a replacement professional license diploma if: 

  • you lost your original or it was stolen
  • your original is damaged


How to request the replacements:


Politecnico di Torino

presso Unicredit Banca S.p.A. Via d'Ovidio, 5 -10129 - Torino (TO) Italy

IBAN: IT 51 N 02008 01160 000002551101

SWIFT/BIC: UNCRITM1AG0 (the last digit is a zero) 



Choose one of the two shipping methods:

    • Shipment in a cardboard tube to Italy or other foreign countries: You have to send via ticket the €147.00 Payment Receipt including €100 for duplicate, €16 for revenue stamp and €31 for shipping costs.
    • Shipping in the blue cover with DHL Express courier to Italy or other foreign countries: Request the amount via ticket indicating the exact shipping address. An estimate will be provided regarding shipping costs, to which you will need to add the costs of €100 for the duplicate and €16 for the revenue stamp.

In both cases the payment has to be registered to: 

Politecnico di Torino

presso Unicredit Banca S.p.A. Via d'Ovidio, 5 -10129 - Torino (TO) Italy

IBAN: IT 51 N 02008 01160 000002551101

SWIFT/BIC: UNCRITM1AG0 (the last digit is zero) 


Politecnico di Torino can issue the Diploma Supplement (in compliance with article 11, paragraph 8, of Minsterial Decrees No. 509/1999 and 270/2004). This document can be attached to a higher education qualification (Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree – laurea specialistica/magistrale). The Diploma Supplement is designed to improve the transparency of international qualifications, as it provides the description of the degree programme successfully completed by the student. 

It helps employers to understand and evaluate new academic qualifications. It facilitates academic and professional recognition of Italian qualifications abroad and it boosts international free circulation of graduates. 
This certificate follows the European model developed by the European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO – CEPES: it is issued in two languages (Italian-English) and it is composed of approximately 10 pages. 

The Diploma Supplement is not issued for qualifications obtained under the university systems which pre-date Ministerial Decree No. 509/99.
The first copy of the Diploma Supplement is free of charge; for further copies you will have to pay 0,63 € per page. 
in case of credit transfer the Diploma Supplement cannot be issued immediately. You need to send a ticket from your personal page of the Teaching portal selecting the topic CERTIFICATES/SELF-CERTIFICATES/OTHER DOCUMENTS (STUDENTS/GRADUATES).
You can find your Diploma Supplement on your personal page of the Teaching Portal: Online services tab – Certificates portlet – Diploma Supplement.  The Diploma Supplement bears the phrase “firma omessa ai sensi del D.Lgs. n.39 del 12/02/1993 art.3” (signature is omitted in accordance with Legislative Decree No. 39 of 12/0271993, Article 3).   

How to request the Diploma Supplement bearing handwritten signature and offial stamp)

Go to the Registrar's Office in person, with:

  1. your identification document;
  2. only if you are requesting additional copies beyond the first one: the payment of 0,63 € for each page to be done through your personal page of the Teaching Portal –Online services – Tuition Fees and payments. 

Authorize a trusted person (proxy) to collect your certificate on your behalf with:

  1. his/her own identification document;
  2. a photocopy of your identification document;
  3. the Diploma Supplement Request Form (remember to fill out the proxy section and sign it);
  4. only if you are requesting additional copies beyond the first one: the payment of 0,63 € for each page to be done through your personal page of the Teaching Portal –Online services – Tuition Fees and payments. 

Ask the University to send you your Diploma Supplement by post. Please use the ticketing service and attach the following documents:

  1. the Diploma Supplement Request Form (remember to fill out the part relating to the shipping address);
  2. a photocopy of your identification document;
  3. the bank transfer receipt (0,63 € for each page) – You need to pay this amount only if you are requesting additional copies beyond the first one which is free of charge. The details for the bank transfer are:

Politecnico di Torino 

presso Unicredit Banca S.p.A.  Via d'Ovidio, 5 - 10129 - Torino (TO) Italy

IBAN: IT 51 N 02008 01160 000002551101  

SWIFT/BIC: UNCRITM1AG0 (the last digit is a zero)  

Payment description: spese di spedizione diploma supplement    

The bank transfer amount must include shipping charges: 
- 5,80 € for Italy 
- 9,00 € for foreign countries 

Only if you are requesting additional copies beyond the first one, the transfer amount must include also 0,63 € for each page. 

In order to know the correct amount for the bank transfer, please send a ticket from your personal page of the Teaching portal selecting the topic CERTIFICATES/SELF-CERTIFICATES/OTHER DOCUMENTS (STUDENTS/GRADUATES)

Certified true copies

A certified true copy is a photocopy of a document that has, at the bottom of it, a declaration that it is a true copy of the primary document. It is signed by an authorized public official. If the copy is composed of more than one page, each page must bear the public official’s signature, on top of the office stamp and the signature in full on the last page. A certified true copy allows to submit the copy of a document, instead of the original document. 
It can be produced by the official who has issued the original document or by the office where the document has been deposited, or by a notary, a court clerk or an official appointed by the Major (at the URP or Ufficio Anagrafe of the Municipality).

Politecnico di Torino can only release certified true copies of original documents previously issued by the University (i.e., degree certificates) or documents stored in our archives.

To get a certified true copy of a document you need to go to the Office of the University Registrar (ground floor, Cittadella Politecnica) with:  

  • your identification document;
  • the original document, if this has not already been deposited at our office.    

If you need to submit your certified true copy abroad, and you want it to maintain its full legal value, you must go to the Prefettura , where it will be notarized and authenticated with the Apostille (legalizzazione e Apostille).   


  • One 16,00 € revenue stamp for the  request form
  • A 16,00 € revenue stamp should be applied to every group of four pages of the document.


Copies of course syllabi 

In order to get a signed and stamped copy of a course syllabus, please go to the Office of the University Registrar (ground floor, Cittadella Politecnica) and make a request. The Office will inform you about the costs and delivery time. Please note that our Office will not sign and stamp any course syllabus written by a student. A 0,63 € administration fee is due for each page of the syllabus and the amount  has to be paid through your personal page of the Teaching Portal –Online services – Tuition Fees and payments. 

If you need to know the number of pages and how much you have to pay and you cannot come to the Office in person, please send a Ticket from your personal page of the Teaching Portal selecting the topic Certificates - Self-certificates - other documents (students/graduates).

If you forgot your access credentials for the Portal, please send a ticket as a guest (by clicking on the box "external user") that you can find at the Contact page and select:

  1. the topic Forgot password; 
  2. fill in your request and attach a scanned copy of your valid identification document.

 In this way you will receive your username and password for the Portal.