Admissions and enrolment

Bachelor's degree programmes - Admissions

Students enrolling

All Bachelor’s degree programmes offered by Politecnico are capped to a limited number of students decided by the academic bodies of the University every year. 

Prospective students must take an admission test, called TIL (Test di Ingresso online/Online Admission Test) for admission to:

  • all programmes of the Engineering area
  • Design and Communication
  • Territorial, Urban, Environmental and Landscape Planning
  • Industrial Manufacturing Technologies.

Check the admission requirements in the Calls for applications and in the Enrolment regulations.

Master's degree programmes - Admissions

Admissions to the Master's degree programmes offered by Politecnico are not subject to a selection process, except for the following programmes which are regulated by specific calls for applications:

  • Master's degree programmes in Industrial Production Engineering;
  • Master's degree programme in Technological Innovation;
  • international major of the Master's degree programmes in Physics of Complex Systems and in Nanotechnologies for ICTs.

Single courses enrolment

You can enrol in single subjects (courses) at Politecnico di Torino without enrolling in an entire degree programme ending with an academic degree, provided that you meet the requirements prescribed by the law.  

Single courses enrolment is possible in the following cases:   

  • for open competitive examsprofessional updating and requalification;
  • for students enrolled at a non-Italian university;
  • to make up for any unfulfilled academic requirements for admission to a Master’s degree programme at Politecnico;
  • for students who do not have the English language certificate (B2 level) required for admission to a Master's degree programme at Politecnico.

Double enrolment in two study courses

As a general rule, students are allowed to be simultaneously enrolled in two higher education courses at two different universities and institutions for higher education in art, music and dance (AFAM), both in Italy and abroad. But with some limitations. Find out more.