Applicants with an Italian qualification

Our Master's degree programmes provide students with advanced level training for a highly qualified activities in specific fields.

In this section you will find useful information about the admission requirements, application procedures and deadlines.


News - Engineering Area

At the moment it is possible to apply for master's degree programs only for the following courses of study:

  • Physics of Complex Systems (International pathway)
  •  Nanotechnologies for ICTs MNIS orientation - Micro and Nanotechnologies for Integrated Systems (MNIS).

Applications for the other courses of study, which are not regulated by a call for admission will open indicatively in the first week of June.




Bando a.a. 2024/25

Call for applications a.y. 2024/25

Publication of Final Ranking List 19/07/2024

Admitted students must reserve their place by paying the first instalment of their tuition fees by 24th July 2024 (11:59 PM).

Approvazione atti procedura di selezione di n. 20 studenti per l’accesso al percorso internazionale del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Physics of Complex Systems (Fisica dei sistemi complessi) – a.a. 2024/25

Publication of Provisional Rankings

Approvazione atti procedura di selezione di n. 20 studenti per l’accesso al percorso internazionale del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Physics of Complex Systems (Fisica dei sistemi complessi) – a.a. 2024/25

Students who are AMMESSO (admitted) and IDONEO (eligible) must communicate their acceptance or refusal of the position using the ticketing service (selecting the topic "Access to Master's Degree programmes") by 15 July 2024 (11:59 PM).

Bando a.a. 2024/25

Publication of Final Ranking List 29/07/2024

Admitted students must reserve their place by paying the first instalment of their tuition fees by 31st July 2024 (11:59 PM).

Approvazione atti del Bando per la selezione degli studenti per l’accesso al Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria della Produzione Industriale e dell’Innovazione Tecnologica, a.a. 2024/25


News - Architecture Area


Admission rules for master's degree programs for previous academic years are available in this section