Starting from academic year 2022/2023, after the approval of Law no. 33 of 12/04/2022 and following Ministerial Decrees (Decree no. 930 of 29/07/2022 and Decree no. 933 of 2/08/2022), as a general rule, students are allowed to be simultaneously enrolled in two higher education programmes at two different universities or institutions for higher education in art, music and dance (AFAM), both in Italy and abroad. In particular, students are allowed to have a double enrolment in:
- two Bachelor’s degree programmes (corso di laurea triennale) provided that they do not belong to the same degree class and they have different curricula for at least two thirds of the activities. The difference between the two programmes is calculated taking into account the Scientific Disciplinary Fields (settori scientifico disciplinari - SSD) of the courses offered by each degree programme. The two programmes may share no more than 60 credits (CFU) in the same Scientific Disciplinary Fields. For this reason, double enrolment in two degree programmes of the Engineering area at Politecnico is not possible.
- two Master’s degree programmes (corso di laurea magistrale) provided that they do not belong to the same degree class and they have different curricula for at least two thirds of the activities. The difference between the two programmes is calculated taking into account the Scientific Disciplinary Fields (settori scientifico disciplinari - SSD) of the courses offered by each degree programme. The two programmes may share no more than 40 credits (CFU) in the same Scientific Disciplinary Fields.
- a Bachelor’s degree programme + a Master’s degree programme; provided that they have different curricula for at least two thirds of the activities. The difference between the two programmes is calculated taking into account the Scientific Disciplinary Fields (settori scientifico disciplinari - SSD) of the courses offered by each degree programme. The two programmes may share no more than 40 credits (CFU) in the same Scientific Disciplinary Fields
- a Bachelor’s/Master’s degree programme + Single courses;
- a Bachelor’s/Master’s degree programme + a Specializing Master’s programme (Master);
- a Bachelor’s/Master’s degree programme + a Ph.D. programme (dottorato);
- a Bachelor’s/Master’s degree programme + a non-medical Graduate School (scuola di specializzazione)
- two Specializing Master’s programmes provided that it is not the same programme offered by two different universities;
- a Specializing Master’s programme + a Graduate School (medical or non-medical)
- a Ph.D. programme + a Graduate School (medical or non-medical). Double enrolment in a Ph.D. programme and in a Medical Graduate School is regulated by art. 7 of DM 226/2021.
Students must have the educational qualifications required for admission and enrolment in the above-mentioned programmes in accordance with national law and with the regulations of each University.
If one of the two courses of study requires mandatory attendance, enrollment in a second course of study without attendance obligations is allowed. This provision does not apply to courses of study for which mandatory attendance is only required for laboratory activities and internships.
Double enrolment is also permitted in the following cases:
- two programmes leading to a 1st or 2nd level academic diploma (corsi di diploma accademico di primo o di secondo livello) or in two specialization courses (corsi di perfezionamento) or in two Specializing Master’s programmes provided that they have different curricula for at least two-thirds of the activities;
- a programme leading to an academic diploma + a Specialization course/Specializing Master’s programme/Ph.D. programme/Graduate School, or in a Ph.D. programme/ Specialization course /Specializing Master’s programme + Graduate School
- any academic programme + a course offered by institutions for higher education in art, music and dance (AFAM)
Double enrolment in two programmes capped to limited number of admissions will be regulated by a specific Ministerial Decree, in compliance with Law no. 33 of 12/04/2022.