If you have Specific Learning Disorders (SpLD) or other disabilities you may request special arrangements to take the IELTS Academic test. The special arrangements are proposed and approved directly by the examination board (International House Milano) based on the medical report that you will provide together with the request forms (see the next section "How to make a request” https://www.polito.it/en/education/services-and-life-at-politecnico/polito-language-centre-cla/english/students-with-special-needs).
If you have been approved some special arrangements for a specific test date and you decide to cancel your registration, you must inform the examination board by e-mail: ih.ielts@ihmilano.it.
EXTRA TIME | You will get a percentage of extra time to complete the test, depending on the evaluation of your medical report. Extra time for the Listening Part will give you more time to transfer your answers to the answer sheet. |
READER | A person who will read the questions to you out loud |
SCRIBE | A person who will writes down the answers for you |
SUPERVISED BREAKS | You may agree with the examiner one or more breaks for you to rest during the test |
USE OF A PC | You may use a PC to write your answer (Writing Part) or transfer your answers to the answer sheet (Listening and Reading Parts). The PC provided to you will not have spell-checker nor word count |
ENLARGED PRINT QUESTION PAPERS | You will get a test paper with enlarged prints (A4 or A3 size), depending on the evaluation of your medical report |
BRAILLE QUESTION PAPERS | You will get a Braille test paper (hard copy) |
DICTATION SOFTWARE | The PC will have a software that will allow you to dictate your answers It is approved only in very specific cases |
BRAILLE SOFTWARE | The PC will have a Braille keyboard |
SPECIFIC ARRANGEMENTS FOR the LISTENING Part | You will be able to use earphones or other support tools agreed upon with the examination board |
LIP-READ VERSION OF THE LISTENING Part | A member of the staff will sit in front of you and read the Listening questions (modified version) to you out loud It is approved only in very specific cases |
MODIFIED LISTENING CD | You will be able to listen to each section of the Listening Part TWICE, with additional pauses during the second repetition for you to transfer your answers to the answer sheet. The Modified Listening CD is granted to test takers depending on the evaluation of the medical report |
In specific cases, test takers can request to be EXEMPTED from one or more Parts of the IELTS Academic test (see Exemption Request Form).
PLEASE NOTE: Exemption requests are examined and processed by Cambridge and not by the examination board ( International House Milano).