RUN Polito- APS- ETS

Logo Associazione RUN

RUN Polito - APS - ETS is a student's union active at Polito since 2010. The association promotes activities and initiatives aimed at enriching the cultural, educational and recreational offer of the university, according to the provisions of its Charter of Values. The document includes among the purposes the diffusion of civil values, respect for institutions and the diffusion of the "social" functions of the technician, in a concept that sees the architect, planner, designer and engineer as the figure that defines the their ability to improve citizens' material and immaterial conditions. RUN Polito is nationally confederated with Primavera degli Studenti, of which it is a founding member.

Legal Representative: POLATO ALBERTO
Memorandum of Association
Registration:  01.03.2024
Registered Office: Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 29
Fiscal Code: 97852870019