Move your ERC at PoliTO

Direct calls of ERC winners

Ministerial Decree n. 919 del 22-07-2022 gives ERC winners - "ERC Starting Grant," "ERC Consolidator Grant," "ERC Advanced Grant" - as Principal Investigator (PI) direct call opportunities to activate positions as fixed-term researcher, tenured professor of second or first rank upon proposal of Politecnico di Torino.

If you are interested in moving your ERC project to Politecnico di Torino and benefit from the direct call, please contact

Young Researchers PNRR call

The Young Researchers call for proposals is funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan - PNRR.

The call provides an opportunity for Principal Investigators (PI) of any nationality with an ongoing ERC Starting Grant project at a foreign host institution to move their project to the Politecnico di Torino by submitting a new complementary proposal to the MUR. If selected for funding (€1 million in the 2022 call), PIs will also be eligible for an Associate Professor position.

The first Young Researchers call closed on October 25, 2022. Two more calls are planned in the next two years. 

Discover ERC projects in Horizon Europe