The European Research Council, established by the European Commission in 2007, was created with the aim of enhancing scientific creativity in Europe and supporting high-quality research carried out by the best researchers internationally. The ERC has quickly become an indicator of scientific excellence, while also positively characterising the working environment offered by the host institution as a whole.
Since 2013, Politecnico di Torino supports researchers in the participation in this prestigious and competitive funding scheme. This page shows active projects led by researchers from Politecnico di Torino.

PROOF OF CONCEPT - TurboEEG aims to achieve ultra-high-resolution images from electroencephalography in drastically reduced times compared to current standards. The results will be distributed through open-source software, ensuring broad access to the new technology. This will enable widespread adoption of the results in scientific and medical fields, promoting large-scale dissemination.

PROOF OF CONCEPT - NewOilFactory aims to develop new industrial processes for the production of crystalline oleogels, composed of oil and a gelifying agent, facilitating the reformulation of food by reducing the amount of saturated fat. The project aims to overcome the current regulatory, technological and environmental limitations that hinder their use to reduce saturated fat consumption.

PROOF OF CONCEPT - EMPATIC aims to improve the predictivity of preclinical validation methods in order to support the development of therapies for cardiac regeneration. The project develops a new platform, integrating the most advanced bioengineering tools, to obtain in vitro models of mature human cardiac tissue on which noninvasive monitoring can be performed.

PROOF OF CONCEPT - Kits for advanced polymer-lipid nanocarriers for targeted delivery of RNAs to cardiac and skeletal muscle cells proposes the use of a new platform that enables safe delivery of RNA molecules to target cells by overcoming the limitations of current vectors and facilitating the development of new therapies for the treatment of heart failure and neuromuscular diseases.

Acoustic fLow InteractioN over sound absorbing surfaces: effects on ImpedaNce and draG
The objective of LINING is to accurately describe and model the interaction between aerodynamic flow and acoustic waves on both conventional and new generation acoustic liners, integrating experimentation with high-fidelity numerical simulations.

All-liquid phase JANUS BIdimensional materials for functional nano-architectures and assemblies.
JANUS BI aims to develop an innovative protocol for the production of 2D materials with different functionalities on opposite sides. The challenge is to implement the entire process in a liquid state, without resorting to solid-state transfer techniques, which are the current state of the art.

Crystal Engineering the New Generation of Sustainable, Biocompatible and Stimuli Responsive Formulations for the Delivery of Active Ingredients
The project will develop innovative natural crystals for the design of new formulations easily soluble and able to deliver active ingredients in a controlled way, to be used in the agrochemical, pharmaceutical and food industry.

Physics-constrained adaptive learning for multi-physics optimization. PhyCo will combine physical principles and empirical modeling in a unified approach.The computational framework derived will be used to reconstruct HD flow images from low-resolution data, reduce emissions from hydrogen-based aircraft engines and maximise zero-emission energy collection from fluid-structural oscillations.

ANFIBIO - AmplificatioN Free Identification of cancer and viral biomarkers via plasmonic nanoparticles and liquid BIOpsy - will develop a set of technologies and advanced sensors to detect and quantify cancer and viral bio-markers in bodily fluids, making simpler, faster and more economical the diagnosis of many diseases.

SuN2rise aims to develop a device to produce ammonia and fertilizers through a highly sustainable process both from the environmental and economic viewpoints, using solar energy to split the extremely stable nitrogen molecule.

The CO2CAP project aims to recover energy from CO2 emissions through the use of an innovative electrochemical device that uses green ionic liquids capable of capturing CO2 with a less polluting and more efficient approach than traditional methods.

Cities and the global fight against housing precarity.
An innovative project to tackle the question of housing precarity with a different approach, looking at how housing intersect other pressing urban issues of our time. The project will produce knowledge with and for activist movements related to housing rights around the globe.

The DYNAPOL project will develop multiscale molecular models and use advanced computational simulation and machine learning techniques to discover the fundamental chemical-physical principles and design new classes of artificial materials with bio-inspired dynamic properties, similar to those of living materials.

PRE-ECO project will develop new mathematical models to allow the industrial use of 3D printed composite VAT (Variable Angle Tow Materials) with the objective of obtaining lighter and more robust components for various applications such as aeronautics.

The PAIDEIA project aims to enhance the performance of photovoltaic materials in order to capture infrared radiation, representing 45 percent of solar radiation, through the development of conductive nanomaterials capable of absorbing it.