PoliTO projects funded by the NRRP, NextGenerationEU


NRRP calls and funding opportunities for research and innovation

Politecnico di Torino issues funding calls related to some of the NRRP projects in which it has a role.

Companies and research organizations can apply and obtain funds for research and innovation projects.

Funded projects

Progetti finanziati sulla Missione 4 Istruzione e ricerca del PNRR, Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca
Projects funded on Mission 4 Education and Research of the PNRR, Ministry of University and Research

Funding under Mission 2 - Green Revolution and Ecological Transition, Ministry of Environment and Energy Security (MITE)

NRRP Complementary Plan

National plan for investments complementary to the NRRP (or PNC Complementary National Plan). Additional funds from the Italian state to complement NRRP funds.

Latest news on NRRP projects

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