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POLI HACK DAYS 2024 is designed to catalyze the creativity, ideas, and teamwork of participants. Participants are immersed in a stimulating environment that promotes collaboration and knowledge exchange among researchers (Rtd-A) from different scientific backgrounds, encouraging them to showcase their problem-solving skills and generate innovative solutions to complex problems in line with the goals of the rectoral mandate program and in full coordination with all Departments. 

Participants, divided into teams, from h 14:00 on October 4th to h 19:00 on October 5th, will develop a project proposal on themes reflecting the priority areas involving the research activities of companies, public entities, and the community, and present it through a 10-minute pitch.

The proposals presented by the teams will be evaluated by all participants, and up to a maximum of 10 groups will be selected for the final. These groups will have an additional two weeks to develop the feasibility study of their project. A panel of expert reviewers will evaluate the proposals and select the three projects that will be funded up to a maximum of 24,000 euros each.

Please see the Rules and Regulations for full details and how winning projects will be selected.

Registration is open until 6 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 20 (box APPLY below)

Participation requirements

Participation in POLI HACK DAYS is reserved for Researchers of Politecnico di Torino belonging to category A (Rtd/A), who on the date of the competition (October 4, 2024) still have a minimum of 6 months before the expiration of their contract including any extensions. It is also a required condition that participants are not engaged abroad or in other institutions for more than 3 months in the 6 months of project development.
The maximum number of participants is set at 120. Once this number is reached, any applications will no longer be considered.

The themes

In agreement with all POLITO Departments, the topics on which the Groups are to discuss are:

  1. Aerospace
  2. Mobility
  3. Green technologies, resources and materials, green energy and climate change
  4. Food
  5. Health
  6. Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)
  7. AI and high-performance and edge computing
  8. Quantum revolution
  9. Systems for advanced manufacturing and robotics
  10. Smart communities/cities, safe and resilient infrastructures
  11. Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society

The prizes

Three prize grants will be awarded, amounting to a maximum of 24,000 euros each (4,000 euros for each participating team member up to a maximum of 6 participants per team). The reward contribution will be available exclusively for the development of the winning projects.


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