Politecnico di Torino opens academic positions for fixed-term researchers for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (Horizon 2020) and Postdoctoral Fellowship (Horizon Europe) or beneficiaries of the Seal of Excellence obtained in response to participation in the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships (Horizon Europe).
The positions are funded by the Young Researchers 2024 Call for Applications of the Ministry of Universities and Research, within the framework of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) issued by Decree of 03.07.2024. The funds will support the research activities of young researchers, promoting the development of their ideas and talents. These projects can last up to three years.
To apply, applicants must submit their application in English via the https://www.gea.mur.gov.it platform, choosing Politecnico di Torino as Host Institution.
Funding lines
Two funding lines are foreseen:
Line for MSCA grant winners
Winners of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (Horizon 2020) or Postdoctoral Fellowship (Horizon Europe) projects concluded between 04.07.2019 and 03.07.2024 are eligible to submit proposals, for a maximum contribution of EUR 300,000.
Information and forms available on the MSCA Grant Winners Line page
Deadline: researchers send all required documentation to the Ministry: 15.07.2024 until 01.10.2024 (12 PM)
Available budget: 30 M€
Line for researchers with MSCA Seal of Excellence
Researchers who have obtained the Seal of Excellence between 04.07.2022 and 3.07.2024, in response to participation in Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship calls can submit projects for a maximum contribution of €250,000.
Information and forms available on the "Seal of Excellence MSCA" page
Participation includes two phases:
- First phase - Researchers prepare the necessary documentation, for the purpose of evaluation by the Host Institution,
- Second phase - Researchers send all the required documentation to the Ministry, starting from 15.07.2024 until 19.12.2024 (12 PM).
Applications will be evaluated by the Ministry in chronological order of submission.
Available budget: 37.5 M€
Participation requirements
a) Young researchers up to the age of 40 years, or aged between 40 and 45 years provided that they have completed their PhD for a maximum of 7 years
b) who are in one or more of the following conditions:
- having to acquire first experience as a fund manager and/or research activity (i.e. Principal Investigator - P.I.);
- need to acquire experience in the leadership and management of a national and/or international research team;
- not have, or not have had before winning the European grant, a Full Time Equivalent (FTE) permanent contract as a researcher and/or professor.
c) Proposals for the Line dedicated to MSCA grant winners must be complementary or consequential to the project already funded.
d) Applicants for the Line dedicated to researchers with an MSCA “Seal of Excellence” must submit a revised business plan and timetable.
e) All proposals must adhere to the DNSH (Do No Significant Harm) principle.
Young researchers who have withdrawn funding from the previous call (Young Researchers Call 2022) are not eligible to apply for this new edition.
For more information on how to submit a proposal with the Politecnico di Torino, please contact the Individual Grants for Research Careers Office (RIMIN)
Email: msca@polito.it