Each subject in the study plan requires passing an exam.
The exams (referring to each single subject) can be oral and/or written.
Failure to pass an exam is not indicated in the Transcript of Records, therefore the student will have to repeat the exam in order to obtain a positive mark.
The evaluation of the exams is expressed out of thirty (scale 0-30), the minimum mark for passing the exam is 18/30 and the maximum mark is 30/30, to which "honors" can be added (30 and lode).
The final mark of a degreeis expressed in one hundred and ten (scale 0-110), the minimum grade is 66/110 and the maximum grade is 110/110. The calculation of the final mark of each candidate takes into account the average of the marks obtained in the exams, as well as the quality of the research work or the final dissertation discussed publicly in front of an examination board. "Honors" (110 cum laude) can be added to the maximum mark if decided unanimously by the Examination Commission.
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