Information regarding a.y. 2024/25
In order to get ready to take the TIL test please consult Annex A of the DM n. 627 del 24-04-2024 called Modalità e contenuti delle prove di ammissione al corso di laurea e laurea magistrale a ciclo unico direttamente finalizzato alla formazione di Architetto (lingua italiana e lingua inglese) a.a. 2024/2025. The Italian version shall constitute the sole authentic text and will be referred to for any legal matters.
The English translation of the topics indicated of the Annex A of the Ministerial Decree is a support to the student community and has no legal effects
For admission applicants are required to understand and analyse different written texts, have an aptitude to logical-mathematical reasoning, have sufficient general knowledge with special focus on history, geography, social sciences and institutions, design and representation, mathematics and physics. The required skills and knowledge reflect the education offered by high schools that organize teaching in accordance with the National Guidelines for High Schools and with the Guidelines for Technical Schools and Professional School, in preparation for the State Examination for Professional Practice.
Reading comprehension
The questions intend to assess the applicant’s ability to understand written texts of various kinds in the Italian language and with different communicative purposes. The questions are about scientific or narrative texts by classical or contemporary authors, or current news published in newspapers or texts from general or specialized journals.
Logical reasoning
The questions seek to test the applicant’s ability to use logical reasoning in a manner consistent with the premises. These premises are set out in symbolic or verbal form and concern cases or problems, including abstract issues, which require different forms of logical reasoning to be solved.
Prior school knowledgeThe questions or even short texts of various types and themes help to verify the applicant’s skills acquired in school and his/her general culture or knowledge of issues that are part of the contemporary public debate. In particular, the questions seek to verify:
- the applicant’s ability to orient himself/herself in space and time, i.e. to contextualise important historical-cultural phenomena in geographical space and historical time, including specific artistic-architectural events, works of architecture or art movements;
- the applicant’s knowledge of the main national and international institutions;
- the applicant’s understanding of legal and economic issues and citizenship.
For non-EU applicants residing abroad:
- general knowledge questions on international issues studied in school or part of the contemporary public debate complete this assessment.
Drawing and RepresentationThe test assesses of the applicant’s ability to analyse graphs, drawings, iconic representations or correspondences with the objects in question. The test also verifies if the applicant has the elementary notions of representation (plans, elevations, axonometric projections).
Mathematics and PhysicsThe test seeks to verify if the applicant masters the following topics:
- Sets of numbers and arithmetic calculation (natural, relative, rational, real numbers; sorting and comparison of numbers; order of magnitude; operations, powers, radicals, logarithms), algebraic calculation, Euclidean geometry (polygons, circumference and circle, measures of lengths, surfaces and volumes, isometry, similarities and equivalences, geometric places), analytic geometry (fundamentals), probability and statistics (fundamentals), elements of trigonometry (fundamentals)
- elementary principles of Mechanics: definition of fundamental physical quantities (displacement, velocity, acceleration, mass, momentum, strength, weight, work and power); law of inertia, Newton’s law and principle of action and reaction), fundamentals of Statics
- elementary notions on the principles of Thermodynamics (general concepts of temperature, heat, specific heat, expansion of materials)
- Basics of Electrostatics and Electrodynamics: Coulomb’s law, field and electric potential, capacitors, capacitors in series and in parallel, direct current, electrical resistance, Ohm’s law, resistors in series and in parallel.
After the registration on the Apply@polito platform, on your personal page you will have at your disposal specific multimedia materials that can help you prepare for the admission test. A test simulator is also available.