SSD – ING-IND/19, 2 CFU (30 hours)
Teacher: prof. Andrea Carpignano
The course introduces students to risk assessment and management for the design and management of a technical system or activity, in order to guarantee the health and safety of people, environmental protection, the company's business and its reputation.
The module provides the basic elements and simplified assessment tools allowing the identification of weak points in technical systems that are able to affect health and safety for people, environmental protection and the company's business and reputation. The risk management process helps to identify the best technical and operational risk control measures. This course also provides the basic skills necessary to interface with risk specialists.
The course addresses the topics mentioned here below:
- Fundamentals on Risk estimation. assessment and management;
- The role of risk assessment in the international legislation;
- Classification of properties of dangerous materials;
- Qualitative methods for the improvement of HSE by design of by management;
- Fundamentals on Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) and Fire and Explosion Risk Assessment (FERA);
-Role of Reliability, Availability, maintainability and Safety (RAMS) and of Maintenance Engineering to reach HSE goals.
The course includes frontal theoretical lessons alternating with team working allowing to the application of methods learned during the lessons. The module is completed by some thematic seminars, delivered by company specialists, who define how the topics are implemented in company standards and practices.