Specializing Master's programmes

Master Politecnico di Torino

The Specializing Master's programmes offered by Politecnico di Torino are postgraduate training courses designed to blend scientific rigor and innovative competencies with the requirements of the socio-economic context, in cooperation with national and international companies.

A Specializing Master's programme (Master universitario) is a high-level scientific qualification. It can be attained after having earned a Bachelor’s degree (1st level  Specializing Master's programme) or a Master’s degree/laurea specialistica-magistrale  (2nd  level  Specializing Master's programme). It normally carries a minimum of 60 credits (ECTS). These academic courses aim at training mid-level professionals (1st level Specializing Master's Programme) or more specialized experts (2nd level Specializing Masters Programme). These programmes combine high level theoretical knowledge with practical classes, case studies, laboratories, company visits, lectures delivered by external experts, workshops and practical application, through internships and company project works.

The Specializing Maste's programmes are also offered in the format of the so called “Advanced Education and Research Apprenticeship” (Apprendistato di Alta Formazione e di Ricerca), in cooperation with one or more private companies.

In many cases, a Specializing Master's programme is one of the major tools for recent graduates who wish to invest in their professional career, as these programmes build on the close cooperation with the public and private sector or with other Universities, with an eye to facilitating access to the world of work for qualified professionals.