SSD – ING-IND/19, 2 CFU (21 hours)
Teacher: prof. Andrea Carpignano
The course provides some specific topics that could be relevant to complete and improve the Maintenance and Asset Integrity management process. A special focus is given to materials, corrosion processes, structural integrity, management of changes and the role of these topics in the Maintenance and AI management system. Fundamental on Functional Safety are provided at the end of the module.
The module provides the element to implement and to apply a Maintenance and AI management system, taking into special consideration the topics related to structural integrity and management of changes that result to be the most critical challenges in process industry.
The course addresses the topics mentioned here below:
· The role of structural integrity and Management of Changes in Maintenance and Asset Integrity management systems;
· Fundamentals on corrosion and materials;
· Pipelines and structural integrity management;
· Fundamentals on Functional Safety;
· Reference standards.
The course includes frontal theoretical lessons alternating with team working allowing to the application of methods learned during the lessons. The module is completed by some thematic seminars, delivered by company specialists, who define how the topics are implemented in company standards and practices.